Sunday 18 March 2018

13 year old commits suicide, leaves demands for his funeral

13 year old commits suicide, leaves demands for his funeral

"Cook chapati for them."

13 year old boy commits suicide in Nakuru, leaves requests for his burial  (WikiHow)

A 13 year old boy committed suicide in Molo, Nakuru County on Tuesday morning.

The victim, Nehemiah Mukula, also left a list of demands for his funeral.

Muluka, a Standard Six pupil of Sulgwita Primary School, is said to have been asked by his teacher to report to school on Monday in the company of his parents to sort out issues regarding his birth certificate.

HIs father, Danel Ojiambo, said that he had sent his daughter to the shop on Sunday morning with Sh100 when Muluka accosted her and took off with the money.

Residents of Michatha Village in Molo, Nakuru County view the body of 13 year old Nehemiah Muluka who committed suicide  (The Standard)

He didn't show up that evening.

While the daughter was alone at home on Tuesday morning, she raised the alarm when she found Muluka's body hanging off the roof of their house.

Muluka left a suicide note stating that he loved his siblings, named a few friends whom he wanted to attend his burial, and outlined that chapati should be cooked for them.

There was no reason given for why he committed suicide.

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