Blog Archive

Saturday 10 March 2018

Why did 700 Americans volunteer themselves to become Israeli soldiers?

Why did 700 Americans volunteer themselves to become Israeli soldiers?

Avi Katz

Illustrator-cartoonist at The Jerusalem Report Magazine (1990-present)

22w ago

Israel was established as a home for Jews from all over the world. Most of the Jewish people who came to Israel escaped persecution in Eastern Europe, the Arab World, the Holocaust, the USSR… but over the years Jews from western, democratic countries (USA, UK, Canada, France, Argentina…) have also considered Israel a second home and have wanted to be part of the adventure of founding a new nation from scratch, dedicated to principles of democracy and social justice and letting Jews guide their own destiny for the first time in 2000 years. I am one American who moved to Israel at age 20, married, served in the army, and made a life here. Some young people come for a summer or a year to feel part of the country, some come especially to serve in the army, of which some stay on and some go back to their home countries. Of course, nothing is simple— the Israeli army is no longer just an underdog fighting valiantly to defend the country’s existence, today it is also maintaining the occupation of the Palestinian territories… but that’s a whole ‘nother question

Emanuel Lombard

former Researcher Higher Education Media (1963-1969)

22w ago

Three generations preceded my mother who grew up here and her four siblings who lived and died here; four Sabras and their sixteen children; and my almost innumerable great grand children. I taught at HU 1952 and 1956–63 and visited almost every year thereafter.

Thanks to son Eitan and his marvelous wife, Melanie, and their loving children, I’ve been enjoying my 90’s with their ceaseless parade of foreign and local guests. The table is usually laden with gastronomic delights. If you want to live a long and happy life, choose them a clever mother, like Avima Lombard, and have three marvelous children: Eitan, Tamar, and Yohanan.

Jack Sigman

30 years study & Author of book about Israel and Genocide.

22w ago

It is likely the same reason so many Americansjoined the British Army prior to December 1941. They believed that they must fight fascism, whether it is the Nazi version or the Palestinian version.

Sam Sussman

former Retired Medical Sociological Consultant

22w ago

Because they supported a Jewish home given that Jews are the indigenous population of Israel

Home land of jews for 3000 years

Mohammed pbuh recognized Israel as the land of the Jews

David Holland

Lived in Israel

22w ago

Because they wanted to. For a more specific answer, I would suggest you ask each one of them individually as each will have a different reason

For spilling N200 honey, see what a boss did to his teenage apprentice

For spilling N200 honey, see what a boss did to his teenage apprentice

A 35-year-old welder, Oluwafemi Abiodun, has been arrested by the Lagos state police command for allegedly breaking the head of his 13-year-old apprentice with a padlock.

Newtelegraph reports that Abiodun broke Rasaq Alimi’s head after the teenager allegedly spilt a bottle of N200 honey, an act Rasaq has denied.

Abiodun ordered the child to continue with his work after breaking his head. A passer-by, Sunday Oyeniyi, saw Rasaq crying,  and eventually dragged Abiodun to the police station.

Speaking on the issue, Rasaq who looked malnourished said “I have been an apprentice at the shop, learning how to fabricate gates and some other things since January 2017.
I have not seen my father since 2017. The last time I spoke with my father was when he had an accident. He has also not been calling me after he handed me over to my master.”

Abiodun on his part he only hit Rasaq with the padlock and that he had no intention of injury him: “I cannot punish another person’s son, because I have my own. .

I have learnt my lesson. I’m begging his father to forgive and take me out of the police cell where I am being detained.” In his reaction, Rasaq’s father, Adebayo Alimi, said: “I’m not a wicked father. .

I brought him to the workshop to prepare him ahead of life challenges. I knew he is still a young boy. I always send his feeding allowances to his master monthly. My elder and younger sisters used to go to the workshop to check on him. I thank everyone who assisted him; God will protect their own children.”

How I Spent My First Night As A Married Man - Pastor Who Married His Fiancee A Day After Her Accident In The Hospital

How I Spent My First Night As A Married Man - Pastor Who Married His Fiancee A Day After Her Accident In The Hospital

Love and its touching stories, they say, can be found in many places, including hospitals. For the Timothys, their love story climaxed at the Benue State University Teaching Hospital, Makurdi, with the distinctive smell of antiseptics wafting freely through the wards. 

 Last weekend, the pictures of the touching moment Timothy had married Ruth on hospital bed, went viral on social media.

 Kwaor Timothy and Ruth Umdurgh, 21, met early in 2017 and shortly after, Timothy proposed marriage to the love of his life. Together, they nursed the idea of having a white wedding, with Ruth’s gown flowing gaily as she walks down the aisle and Timothy looking smart in a wine suit. And being a pastor at the Charismatic Renewal Ministry, the choice of the church to host the union fell on the branch of the ministry at Daudu, about 20 kilometres from Makurdi, the capital of Benue State.

The time was set for March 3, 2018, but on Friday, March 2, a day to the wedding, Ruth fractured her legs in an accident after a commercial motorcycle she was on was involved in an accident. She had gone to the market to get last-minute items for the wedding.

 Ruth’s pains were both physical and emotional; as pain tore through her legs, her heart bled for a love that seemed to be galloping away from her. But what she didn’t know was that theirs was a fairy-tale romance, because like a knight in shining armour, Timothy’s love shone through.

Timothy assured Ruth that they would go ahead with the wedding the following day and that was what they did – at the Benue State University Teaching Hospital where she was admitted.

Narrating her experience, Ruth said, “I went to Makurdi for last-minute shopping, to get all the things left for the wedding like souvenirs. I had bought all the items and could have taken my time to return to Daudu but my hairdresser kept on calling me to come and complete my hairdo. I did not complete that before going to Makurdi, so I decided to take Okada (commercial motorcycle) to be able to meet up. On the way, I had an accident.

“The accident occurred at a police checkpoint and I was on the motorcycle taking me back to Daudu. At the checkpoint, we were asked to stop and we were in the process of stopping when another motorcycle rammed into ours. The motorcyclist that hit us was trying to avoid being hit by a speeding articulated vehicle.

“The accident occurred around 11am on Friday, March 2, 2018, a day to our wedding, which was supposed to take place at the Charismatic Renewal Ministry Church in Daudu on Saturday, March 3, 2018.”

Kwaor Timothy
Ruth said she broke her legs in the accident but that Timothy insisted that since all arrangements had been made for the wedding, he was not going to reschedule it and that the wedding should hold.

According to her, immediately it was decided that the wedding should hold, they started notifying their relatives and friends about the development and the change of the wedding venue.

The new bride, who could not hide her joy, said, “Before the accident, I was seriously ill and even when I was taken to a hospital, there was no improvement. But with prayers, I came back to life. So when the accident occurred, I knew that it was the plan of the devil to take my life, but God frustrated all its plans.

 “It is in God that we can trust. If not for His grace, perhaps, I would have been forgotten, but I’m happy because God nullified the plan of the devil in my life. It was obvious that the plan of the devil was for me not to have had the wedding, but God said no.

“Notwithstanding that the wedding took place in the hospital here and with all that happened to me, it was so successful. I was and I’m still happy that I’m alive and that the wedding held.”

She also thanked Timothy for his love.

He had rushed to the scene of the accident, taken one look at his fiancée, who was writhing in pain, and told her that their wedding billed for the following day would go on as planned as long as she had life in her.

 Timothy said, “On Friday morning, she called to tell me that she was in Makurdi to buy some things she had told me she wanted to buy. And in that period, we were calling each other and later, she told me that she had done with the shopping and was already returning to Daudu.

“Then shortly after, I called her but her phone kept ringing. Later, when someone picked up, I could hear her crying in the background. Something told me that there had been an accident; then the person that picked up the phone told me about the accident and mentioned the place.

 “Initially, what came to my mind was – why – but I quickly mustered courage because it was God who asked me to marry her when I was searching for a wife. I told God and He directed me to her in the midst of many ladies around. When I heard about the accident, I told God that you did not tell me that I was going to marry a dead person, so I made up my mind that whatever her condition was, as long as she was still alive, I would go ahead and marry her.

“That was my decision and I went straight there. And shortly after, I got to the scene of the accident. The moment she saw me, she screamed, and there and then, I told her that tomorrow we are getting married and she replied by saying amen. So I persuaded her to muster courage and from there, I moved her to the teaching hospital in Makurdi. But before going to the hospital, we reported the incident at a police station nearby.”

 Timothy recalled how he started calling relatives and senior pastors of his church to inform them about what happened and their decision to go ahead with the wedding.

 He said, “When they all saw my courage, they also helped in telling people about what happened and that the wedding would still hold. Initially, I thought of moving her out of the hospital to have the wedding outside, but I realised that her condition was very terrible because she had multiple fractures and could not stand. And also, the hospital management said it would not allow her to be moved out of the hospital in that condition. That was when we decided to have the wedding in the hospital with the permission of the management.

“Actually, using the hospital as the wedding venue was not really a problem for me, but her situation and I thought that if we cancelled the wedding, it might worsen her condition. In fact, I was happy that the hospital management permitted us to hold the wedding there.”

Eventually, the wedding reception still held at the previous venue and some of the guests were already there while the wedding was being held at the hospital.

“So when some of the guests called that they were at the previous venue in Daudu, we told them to remain there and that the reception would still hold at the initial venue. Only the officiating ministers and few family members and friends came to the hospital. So after the wedding ceremony, the reception took place in Daudu,” he said.

However, Timothy missed having his wife beside him as he received other guests at the reception, saying, “The pain was too much for me to bear; most of the programmes of the event had to be shunned. The area where the couple ought to dance, cut the cake and do other things were ignored.”

 And also, the consummation that often follows a wedding was not there on their wedding night.

Sharing the story of how his wedding night went, Timothy said, “After the reception, I went straight to the hospital to be with her. I was there for two days going up and down. And since then, I have been a regular visitor to the hospital; I go there in the morning and leave later in the day.

“They are taking care of the wounds and it is after that that they will attend to the fractures and the major problem now is fund because the bill there is running to N300,000.”

 Meanwhile, Dr. Apenda Emmanuel, who is the orthopaedic specialist attending to Ruth, described her condition as critical when she was brought to the hospital, but added that she was “remarkably improving.”

“Her condition was critical because she sustained multiple fractures but now, she is getting better,” he said.

Unbelievable: Nigerian Dad Pretends To Be Another Person Just To Find Out If His Daughter Has A Boyfriend

Unbelievable: Nigerian Dad Pretends To Be Another Person Just To Find Out If His Daughter Has A Boyfriend

A Nigerian man has pretended to be another person just so that he can find out if his daughter has a boyfriend.

Nigerian fathers are known to be protective of their children, especially their daughters and can be fierce in making sure they are alright.

Sometimes, these fathers are really harsh when their daughters bring home boyfriends or admirers and can go long distances in investigating the origins of the men coming for their girls.

Recently, a Twitter user added fuel to the belief that Nigerian dads are very protective of their daughters when she shared what her friend's father did to her. 

Sharing the story on Twitter, the young lady revealed that her friend's father actually pretended to be another person and chatted her up on WhatsApp just to find out if she has a boyfriend or not.

She wrote: "The funniest thing just happened.

"My friends dad just tested her to see if she really has a boyfriend or not Nigerian parents tho"

Below are the screenshots of the WhatsApp chat between man and his daughter.

"Marriage Is So Sweet, I Regret Not Marrying Earlier" -Actress Nkechi Emmanuel ‘Nurse Titi’

"Marriage Is So Sweet, I Regret Not Marrying Earlier" -Actress Nkechi Emmanuel ‘Nurse Titi’

Nollywood actress, Naomi Nkechi Emmanuel aka Nurse Titi who came into stardom following her role in award-winning series, ‘Clinic Matters’, tied the knot with her partner, Ambrose Amarain late last year.

The actress in a new interview with Goldenpearlmedia, revealed her marriage regrets.

In her words;

‘Marriage feels so good. In fact, I regret why I didn’t go into it early enough. It’s so sweet.

I will advice all single ladies and guys out there to try find the right person as a life partner.

There is nothing like having the right person who your heart beats for, all the time.

Hugs in the morning and night, then sharing ideas and everything together.

Honestly, I still regret why I got married late. I should have done this a long time ago,”

Ms Emmanuel also maintained that marriage isn’t in any way going to affect her acting career;

“Not at all. I don’t see it coming. It’s even going to multiply my progress, because hopefully most of the movies he’s going to be directing, I will be involved. So. it’s going to boost my career,” 

Why you need to read about Toni Iwobi, the Nigerian immigrant turned Italy’s first black Senator

Why you need to read about Toni Iwobi, the Nigerian immigrant turned Italy’s first black Senator

The 62-year-old Nigerian is a member of the far-right party, Lega Nord with its root in the Northern region of Italy.

Far-right politician, Toni Iwobi has been elected first black Senator in Italy with origins in Nigeria.  (Lettera43)

In 1993, Iwobi was elected municipal councillor for the party in Spirano, a position he held until 2014.

The 62-year-old Nigerian is a member of the far-right party, Lega Nord with its root in the Northern region of Italy.

Toni Iwobi is one of the most talked about personality in Italy since he emerged the first black individual to take a seat in the country’s Senate.

Since achieving this feat, he has continued to express the reasons immigrants like him should arrive Italy legally as against through the Mediterranean sea or other illegal ways.

The 62-year-old Nigerian is a member of the far-right party, Lega Nord with its root in the Northern region of Italy.

The Lega Nord, was founded in 1991 as a federation of several regional parties of Northern and Central Italy, notably including Liga Veneta, Lega Lombarda, Piemont Autonomista, Uniun Ligure, Lega Emiliano-Romagnola and Alleanza Toscana.

The far-right party advocates the transformation of Italy into a federal state, fiscal federalism and greater regional autonomy, especially for Northern regions.

This party is also notable for its inclusion as an anti-immigrant League party, hence, never supported the influx of immigrants into Italy.

Iwobi had joined the party after he was influenced by the personality of Gianfranco Miglio, one of the leading and founding members of Lega Nord.

Toni Iwobi will stop illegal immigration through laws in the Italian senate  (Rai News)

And in 1993, Iwobi was elected municipal councillor for the party in Spirano, a position he held until 2014.

From 2010 to 2014, Iwobi, who had garnered supporters, also served as assessor with responsibility for social services.

Married to an Italian woman and blessed with two children, Iwobi got into Italy with a student visa in 1970s after completing his degree in economics with specialization in marketing and business management in Manchester, UK.

Iwobi runs a business known as Data Communication Labs in Italy and stated in a recent interview with Guardian that “anybody running away from a country because of conflict and war has to be hosted, but anybody leaving their country for the wrong reason and traveling to others in the wrong way has to be stopped. Immigration shouldn’t cost thousands of lives at sea and neither should it cost a cent to the host country.”

Iwobi’s election comes on the heels of a heated campaign period, in which immigration was a top concern for voters.

Human head, body parts found in home of albino murder accused

Human head, body parts found in home of albino murder accused

Thokozani Msibi inside the Witbank Magistrate’s Court where he appeared for a formal bail application in connection with the kidnap and murder of two children. PHOTO: ANA

Police found a human head and other human body parts at the home of traditional healer Thokozani Msibi in Witbank in Mpumalanga last month before he was arrested in connection with the kidnapping and murder of two children, one of whom was an albino, the Witbank Magistrate’s Court heard on Tuesday

State prosecutor Fanie Mavundla told the court police found the parts at Empumelelweni section, where Msibi ran his healing business. Mavundla was opposing bail for Msibi who appeared with his co-accused Brilliant Mkhize. He said Msibi also showed the police a shallow grave in Cullinan, east of Pretoria, where the body of a 14-year-old girl with albinism, Gabisile Shabane, was found buried last month.

“Our witness said he was there when Gabisile was chopped off,” said Mavundla, which led to Gabisile’s mother Annah Shabane, who was sitting in the public gallery, sobbing loudly.

“That witness said he carried that girl on his back. The accused [Msibi] then went to a traditional healer in Swaziland and asked him to cleanse him of bad luck. He was going to pay that traditional healer with a vagina of a girl, but the traditional healer refused. That traditional healer is also a State witness.”

Gabisile and a 15-month-old boy, Nkosikhona Ngwenya, were kidnapped from their home in Hlalanikahle in Witbank on 28 January, allegedly by three men who entered their home after breaking a window. Nkosikhona’s body was found on the side of the N4 highway last month.

Mavundla told the court that the same State witness told the police that Gabisile’s body parts were chopped off by a Mr Gamede from Swaziland, who was allegedly with Msibi and others. He said some of the missing parts from Gabisile’s body were not found.

Msibi’s lawyer, Zamo Sibisi, earlier argued that his client was tortured and forced to make statements after he was arrested.

“The accused stated that whatever statements or pointing out [of crime scenes] he made was not done voluntarily,” said Sibisi.

Magistrate Darleen Venter denied Msibi bail and postponed the matter to 13 March so that Mkhize could get a legal representative.

How to soften natural hair without relaxer

How to soften natural hair without relaxer

Natural hair can be stressful if you don’t know how to soften natural hair texture without damaging it even more. Here, you will find several useful tips on making your hair soft, more relaxed, and healthy without any special means for straightening.

Several reasons why your natural hair is so hard

If you are fighting with what is called “hard” natural hair, you need to know that there are three basic reasons why it is so hard, tangled, and why it looks as it does. Let’s check them out together and figure out some useful soften natural hair tips.

Your hair is too dry. What does it mean? Naturally, curly hair has a lot of pores. Through these pores, your hair loses the moisture that’s inside it. The moisture and nutrition all come from the roots, so if your scalp feels dry, your hair is, probably, dry, too. It’s possible that you are using a wrong shampoo or that something from the outside helps your hair give off its inner moisture. For example, you spend a lot of time in the open, under the sun or in the wind.

What can be done in this case? It’s necessary to moisturize your hair and your scalp. Check out your shampoo and replace it with a proper one if the current means doesn’t moisturize. Besides that, you need to remember that there are no oils or butters, which are able to moisturize without moisture.

They will never work on dry hair if you don’t apply water first. Remember: always apply all the oils and butters on wet hair. The oil will seal the pores, not letting the moisture out, and your hair will quickly start to look much healthier and smoother.

You don’t use enough conditioner.There’s no other way how to soften natural hard hair without a conditioner. You need to remember that the more often you use shampoo on your hair, the more prone to dryness it will be, especially at the ends where it’s very hard to comb it properly. If you don’t like, so to say, chemical ones that are sold with other hair care means, you can always search for organic options.

How to condition correctly? Don’t go hard-handed, apply enough conditioner and you will see how much softer your hair will be. First of all, it will help you disentangle the knots that often appear at the ends of hard curly hair. Then, you will notice how much shinier your hair will be after enough conditioner. Finally, you will feel the difference with your own hands when you start to comb and do your hair after the conditioner. It will be less frizzy and much more flexible.

Sometimes it makes sense to wash the conditioner away after the application but if you need to soften natural hair that’s too coarse, it’s better to apply a leave-in conditioner. It will stay on your hair and protect it from the environmental impact until the next washing. If you prefer the means that can be washed out, try warming the conditioner slightly before usage and leaving it on your hair, especially the most tangled parts, for about 30 minutes.

You consume too much protein.Although any hair needs protein, this building material of every cell in the body, your hair may need less of it. It happens sometimes that too much protein that comes from food and hair care means makes the hair coarse and brittle.

If you suspect protein, check out your menu and care means. In case you consume exactly the amount of protein that your body needs for health, replace all the care means that contain collagen, elastin, keratin, protein, or amino acids with the ones that contain nothing of the mentioned.

Several tips on how to soften natural hair curls without chemicals

Sometimes people want their hair to become softer and healthier without any chemical means like conditioners, manufactured hair masks, or stuff like that. Okay, if you don’t mind spending some time in the kitchen, preparing a natural treatment for your hair, here we have a couple of recipes.

Treat your hair with some caramel. This treatment is thought to be one of the most effective for the African hair as it’s able to slightly straighten your hair and help you undo the knots. This is a simple recipe that you can easily reproduce in your own kitchen, and you don’t need any super expensive magical ingredients.

You will need the following:

Honey – ¼ cupRipe bananas (it’s possible to use baby banana food because it’s washed away easier than bananas)Apple cider vinegar – 1 teaspoonMolasses (Blackstrap) – ¼ cupOlive oil – ¼ cup

Put all the ingredients in a blender and blend until the mass is smooth and even. Apply the mass to your hair just as you would apply a conditioner or so. Pin your hair up if it’s long and wear a shower cap or wrap your hair with a piece of polyethylene. Keep it there for about 30 minutes. If you have a chance and want to have a better effect, leave it there for the night. When you think it’s enough already, rinse your hair thoroughly. In case you have leftover of the mask, you can store it in the fridge.

Treat your hair with coconut milk. It’s another effective way to soften natural hair at home with the help of quite usual ingredients.

Coconut milk – 1 canHoney – 2 tablespoonsCoconut oil – 2 tablespoonsYogurt (plain) – 4 tablespoonsLime – 1 (you will need juice)Cornstarch

Mix everything except the cornstarch in a bowl, mix to smoothness. Then, add cornstarch by ½ teaspoon at a time until you see the mask is thick enough to be applied to your hair. Apply it on the freshly washed hair. Leave it for 30 minutes and then wash away thoroughly.

As you can see, there’s nothing too complicated about the above-mentioned hair care tips and treatment options. You can easily do all this at home and see your hair much softer, shinier and more obedient. There are leave-in means, which are meant to be applied to hair ends directly.

Maybe, if you experience more tangling closer the ends, these means will be useful to you. As well, it’s a good idea not to use a hair dryer or, if you can’t do without it, simply choose the coolest possible mode. Too much heat from such devices can cause additional dryness and dehydration to your hair.

Top 30 best hairstyles for women with middle-length natural hair

Top 30 best hairstyles for women with middle-length natural hair

If you have natural hair that is medium-length, you probably do not realize how lucky you are. This length is the most versatile, and you can try a lot of natural hairstyles which are also simple and comfortable. We will show you some of the most popular black natural hairstyles for medium length hair that you can rock this season!

Hairstyles for natural hair of middle length

African ladies who have natural hair can try plenty of options and look absolutely unique. Medium hair is probably the best for experimenting – you can include a lot of various elements in your new look. If you have had the same hairstyle for ages and have no idea where to start with your new one, you can have a quick look at this compilation of popular options. We hope you will get inspired by these lovely hairstyles for black women!

1. Natural curls with flat twist

If you are not keen on wearing the full updo, you can simply pull your hair away from your face. This interesting hairstyle can work both as an everyday look and the special event one. By the way, dividing your hair into sections has a lot of appeal and dimension.

2. Double buns on natural hair

In case you love the playful hairstyle and are planning on going out with friends, you can gather your natural hair into double buns. It is quite easy and quick, and you can decorate your double buns with different hairpins, beads, and other stuff to make it more unique and memorable.

3. Chunky flat twist updo

In case you have been using the flat twists for creating the twist-out hairstyles with texture, you can also try something new with this chunky flat twist. It is chic and would go well for a special occasion. It will definitely attract the eye of everyone in the room.

4. Skinny side braids

While the curls are outright gorgeous, the curls combined with braids will give a double effect. A couple of side braids will help to pull your naturally curly hair away from the face and add some charm to your look. It will perfectly suit for the night out in town with your friends. This hairstyle is versatile and it takes not so long to style it.

5. Half-up double buns

This hairstyle is definitely something new. It is good for keeping your hair away from your face while also showing the volume and beauty of your natural hair. This style is perfect for casual outings when you would like your hair to look fun and cute without a lot of effort.

6. The bun with curly bangs

Attractive, fresh and trendy – this hairdo will make you the center of attention. The lovely bangs will help to emphasize the beauty of your eyes and add some softness to your general look, in contrast to the rather severe look of complete pull back. It is one of the most interesting black natural curly hairstyles for medium hair, which definitely reflects the spirit of Africa.

7. Natural frohawk

This is one of the edgiest updos for natural hair. It will perfectly show your texture and add some unique African glamour to your image. Besides, it is really easy to style, and it visually makes your face look slim. You can also decorate it with side braids or shaved out patterns if you wish.

8. Messy half-updo

For the most rebellious girls, there is a messy semi-updo option, which will definitely make everyone talk about you. Making a half-up ponytail will leave a lot of room to demonstrate the volume and texture of your curly hair. This look will help you pump it up when you feel like regular curls look slightly flat on you.

9. Twin Dutch braid buns

While this hairdo looks elite and classy, it can also look cool and edgy, depending on which style you choose to combine with it. Either way, the braid buns look absolutely cute on middle length natural hair, and everyone will admire your ability to make creative hairstyles.

10. Natural curls updo with a hair wrap

There is no woman who would not suit this lovely hairstyle. Headwrap always makes you look on point, and this look can be used for the days when you feel like your natural hair is not cooperative enough, or when you are out of time. By the way, the wrap also protects your hair from breakage and is suitable for almost every occasion.

11. Four flat twists into two low buns

For middle-length hair, there is no better hairstyle. It showcases your individuality and makes you look like you descend from royalty. Even though braided hairstyles require some skill or help from your friends or stylist, this one is quite easy to do even for the beginners. This look will last for long and protect your natural hair.

12. Jumbo bun

This hairstyle is both dramatic and sophisticated. The African women gather their fluffy hair into jumbo buns for any occasion – it can be good both for a regular working day and for a wedding day or other special event. It is especially great for showing the beautiful facial features. You can dye it in some interesting color or leave your own.

13. Braided bangs pigtails

Any middle-length natural hair can be easily turned into a masterpiece – just try the braided bangs pigtails, and you will not regret your decision. The division of the hair into parts combined with a ponytail will turn your usual hairstyle into something absolutely unique.

14. Twisted crown bun

You can say there is nothing special in the bun hairstyle. However, when you need to gather your hair into a bun, you can spice it up with adding some twists. Besides, in case you are growing your hair, or are in the process of transition to natural, this hairstyle is a good way to protect it.

15. Headscarf Mohawk curls

Some risky women like the Mohawk hairstyle, which is quite easy to make when you have natural hair. The bright and colorful headscarf will make your hairstyle even more attractive and eye-capturing. With this hairstyle, you will also show your volume and texture of your natural hair in the best way.

16. Triple buns

If double buns are interesting, triple buns are simply stunning! The multiple buns are the new rising trend specifically for girls who have medium length hair. Middle-length haired women have just enough hair material for creating the light buns that will not bother you and will still look great.

17. Two-stranded twists: side style

Shoulder-length braids are a really nice style for women with medium length hair, but what about adding some nice twists to the simplicity of the braids? You can gather them together on the side, and wear the hairstyle for all the day long, without worries about it being worn-out.

18. Natural curls with bangs

In case you are completely satisfied with your natural hair look, but you want to make a brand new addition, you should probably consider adding bangs to the curls. They make a lovely frame for your face, emphasize your eyes, and add some kind of lightness. With this hairstyle, the volume of your hair will look amazing.

19. Flat twist bangs bun

Making the bangs flat twist is a good way to keep your hair protected and adding the dimension to your regular bun hairstyle. If you are a fan of buns and are looking for something new that could add style to your hair, you can use this easy technique and breathe a whole new life into the regular bun.

20. Chunky Bantu knot hairstyle

Who does not love Bantu knots? They are one of the most popular ethnic hairstyles for beautiful black women with natural hair. They also can be done in any way you like – either more knots that are smaller or fewer knots that are larger. Usually, women with middle-length hair choose the second option. However, you can always experiment with Bantu knots and make them your own.

21. Middle-length twist out texture

In case you feel like changing something, but not radically, then the twist out hairstyle is an ideal solution. It will make your hair stand out from the crowd and frame your beautiful face perfectly. Decorating it with interesting elements like beads will be even better.

22. Flat twist pigtails

These are quick to style, simple to wear, and incredibly cute to rock in public. Whether it is a busy workday or a party weekend, these twisted pigtails will add some charm to your image and make you look absolutely trendy. This hairstyle would be amazing for these ladies who like the elegant feminine style and prefer keeping their strands safe.

23. Side twists & top knot

This is quite an unusual, but still lovely and elegant choice for medium-haired women. In case you are a fan of a classic top knot and would like to experience something new, you can add the twists to the side of your head. They can be a new touch in your look, and captivate attention.

24. Pulled back ponytail

If you do not have a lot of time for styling your hair in an unusual way, the simple ponytail could work well too! It is good for basically every occasion, no matter if it is the office meeting or party with close friends.

25. Flat twists all over

The braided twists all over your hair are a great decision because it will make you look young and refreshed. This style is also perfect for women who love sports – it looks both simple and trendy, and it will not bother you when you are doing sporty activities. Aside that, flat twists are great style for vacation, where you would not want to be worried about your hairstyle.

26. Flexi rod curls and side braids

The curls called flexi rods are popular among those women who would like to put some spiral texture in their hair. They are great for making your hair bouncy and adding extra volume. Sometimes, ladies have interesting ideas about additional touches to their flexi rods, for example adding some side braids which will make the look even fancier.

27. Goddess braids

These braids are chunky, and they will make your medium length hairstyle look thick and healthy. For replicating this look, you will have to pull the braids apart and use a good amount of moisturizer to prevent the frizz and messiness of your goddess braids. Generally, this look will truly make you look like an elegant ancient goddess.

28. Natural braid-out

You will surely appreciate the twist-out and braid-out hairstyles if you love some texture and extra volume for your medium-length ethnic hair. The braid-outs are a good option when you want to make your curly hair bouncy and elastic, and prevent the damage that can be done to your hair by natural factors like heat.

29. Double-stranded twist updo

Medium-length hair can be put together in an elegant updo, which can be done with the help of two-strand twists. For creating this lovely hairstyle, you can twist two sections of your hair at both sides, and then pin them together at the back of your head into the bun. This hair is definitely a new and creative outlook on simple bun and twists.

30. Pineapple updo

Finally, we present to you the classic and creative hairstyle for women who feel like rock stars deep inside. It is also one of the easiest hairstyles, and you will not have to spend a lot of time on it. You can try this one when you are running out of time or if you have been wearing a more complicated hairstyle for a few days in a row before. This one will definitely attract people’s looks!

This was the list of the hottest and trendiest hairstyles for natural medium-length hair. As you can see, most of them are based on simple buns, twists, updos, and curls. Natural hair has a lot of room for creativity, so go ahead and create your own hairstyle that you will wear with pride!