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Saturday, 10 March 2018

Why did 700 Americans volunteer themselves to become Israeli soldiers?

Why did 700 Americans volunteer themselves to become Israeli soldiers?

Avi Katz

Illustrator-cartoonist at The Jerusalem Report Magazine (1990-present)

22w ago

Israel was established as a home for Jews from all over the world. Most of the Jewish people who came to Israel escaped persecution in Eastern Europe, the Arab World, the Holocaust, the USSR… but over the years Jews from western, democratic countries (USA, UK, Canada, France, Argentina…) have also considered Israel a second home and have wanted to be part of the adventure of founding a new nation from scratch, dedicated to principles of democracy and social justice and letting Jews guide their own destiny for the first time in 2000 years. I am one American who moved to Israel at age 20, married, served in the army, and made a life here. Some young people come for a summer or a year to feel part of the country, some come especially to serve in the army, of which some stay on and some go back to their home countries. Of course, nothing is simple— the Israeli army is no longer just an underdog fighting valiantly to defend the country’s existence, today it is also maintaining the occupation of the Palestinian territories… but that’s a whole ‘nother question

Emanuel Lombard

former Researcher Higher Education Media (1963-1969)

22w ago

Three generations preceded my mother who grew up here and her four siblings who lived and died here; four Sabras and their sixteen children; and my almost innumerable great grand children. I taught at HU 1952 and 1956–63 and visited almost every year thereafter.

Thanks to son Eitan and his marvelous wife, Melanie, and their loving children, I’ve been enjoying my 90’s with their ceaseless parade of foreign and local guests. The table is usually laden with gastronomic delights. If you want to live a long and happy life, choose them a clever mother, like Avima Lombard, and have three marvelous children: Eitan, Tamar, and Yohanan.

Jack Sigman

30 years study & Author of book about Israel and Genocide.

22w ago

It is likely the same reason so many Americansjoined the British Army prior to December 1941. They believed that they must fight fascism, whether it is the Nazi version or the Palestinian version.

Sam Sussman

former Retired Medical Sociological Consultant

22w ago

Because they supported a Jewish home given that Jews are the indigenous population of Israel

Home land of jews for 3000 years

Mohammed pbuh recognized Israel as the land of the Jews

David Holland

Lived in Israel

22w ago

Because they wanted to. For a more specific answer, I would suggest you ask each one of them individually as each will have a different reason

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