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Saturday 10 March 2018

For spilling N200 honey, see what a boss did to his teenage apprentice

For spilling N200 honey, see what a boss did to his teenage apprentice

A 35-year-old welder, Oluwafemi Abiodun, has been arrested by the Lagos state police command for allegedly breaking the head of his 13-year-old apprentice with a padlock.

Newtelegraph reports that Abiodun broke Rasaq Alimi’s head after the teenager allegedly spilt a bottle of N200 honey, an act Rasaq has denied.

Abiodun ordered the child to continue with his work after breaking his head. A passer-by, Sunday Oyeniyi, saw Rasaq crying,  and eventually dragged Abiodun to the police station.

Speaking on the issue, Rasaq who looked malnourished said “I have been an apprentice at the shop, learning how to fabricate gates and some other things since January 2017.
I have not seen my father since 2017. The last time I spoke with my father was when he had an accident. He has also not been calling me after he handed me over to my master.”

Abiodun on his part he only hit Rasaq with the padlock and that he had no intention of injury him: “I cannot punish another person’s son, because I have my own. .

I have learnt my lesson. I’m begging his father to forgive and take me out of the police cell where I am being detained.” In his reaction, Rasaq’s father, Adebayo Alimi, said: “I’m not a wicked father. .

I brought him to the workshop to prepare him ahead of life challenges. I knew he is still a young boy. I always send his feeding allowances to his master monthly. My elder and younger sisters used to go to the workshop to check on him. I thank everyone who assisted him; God will protect their own children.”

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