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Thursday 8 March 2018

Strange Marriage: Woman Marries A Man, Pays His Family N289million – Must Read

Strange Marriage: Woman Marries A Man, Pays His Family N289million – Must Read

A newly married Chinese couple has been making waves on the internet for their unorthodox match- she is a wealthy 38-year-old mother of one, and he is a 23-year-old whose mother is only a year older than his bride. The wedding, which was filmed on Jan. 10, took place in Qionghai, Hainan, China, where it first went viral and stirred up controversy. 

The woman apparently fell pregnant after a romance with the younger man, after which he proposed marriage. Initially, the groom’s parents opposed the wedding, citing the 15 year age difference between them, as well as the bride’s 14-year-old child from a previous marriage. However, the bride – a wealthy real estate businesswoman – offered them a dowry of 660,000 yuan (USD 104,273) in cash, a real estate lot, and a Ferrari sports car, altogether worth an estimated a 5,000,000 yuan (USD 789,950). The parents gave their blessing immediately following the generous offer. 

They married in an extravagant ceremony, arriving in a red Ferrari with the bride bedecked in gold and other expensive jewelry. Chinese netizens have had mixed reactions to the union, with many congratulating the pair, but some claiming the young man only married the woman for her money rather than love. “I once again believe in the power of money,” wrote one Weibo user. “Father: Our boy’s bride is loaded, let’s accept the deal to cash in!” wrote another. 

Meanwhile, on the opposite side of the argument, some pointed out that the story going viral only highlights how far China has to go to achieve gender equality. “A 38-year-old divorced man marrying a 23-year-old single woman would not even be news. This is only making a fuss about women becoming stronger,”commented a Weibo user. 

In the video footage from the couple’s wedding, they both appear elated and very much in love. The bride is heavily pregnant but looks radiant in her white gown, and her husband is all smiles. In one particularly sweet moment, the groom dedicated a song to his bride, serenading her as she blushed and giggled. 

The Weibo user pointing out gender equality has a good point, considering that if the roles were reversed in the story, a wealthy divorced older man marrying a younger woman, it wouldn’t have made the news as it happens commonly and frequently. It is worth noting that the man proposed to the woman, not the reverse, and it was only after the parents disapproved that the dowry came into the picture. 

That netizens are reacting negatively to an economically powerful woman in such a negative way just goes to show how threatening a woman with power is to a traditionally patriarchal society.

7 amazing oral sex tips everyone should know

7 amazing oral sex tips everyone should know

Oral sex is one of the most pleasurable sex acts ever, with these amazing tips, you can take your oral sex game to an incredible level.

Easy tips to make the oral sex go way better.  (Shutterstock)

The point of oral sex is for pure pleasure, let your partner feel good with your mouth exercise on each other. You probably know how to give oral sex but tips here and there can take you to expert level especially for ladies who can have clitoral orgasm.

With these amazing tips compiled byCosmopolitan below, you can turbocharge your oral sex game.

1. Deepthroat isn’t compulsory

You don't have to swallow the entire thing, forget those porn videos.  (Pinterest)

The truth about oral sex is that you have to pick what you’re good at, if you have gag-reflex then you shouldn’t do it. The most sensitive part of the penis is the tip, the head, it has a lot of nerve endings, so if you can stimulate that enough then you can give as pleasure as possible. If you cannot deepthroat, don’t do it.

2. He doesn’t have to cum for it to be good

Oral sex sometimes is like an appetiser for sex, so if he doesn’t reach orgasm during oral sex then it can still be good. The oral sex can be an avenue to get each other incredibly aroused so that you can proceed to have the penetrative sex.

3. Talk about it

Talking about what you want during sex is important, also during oral sex. For guys, they always hope for less teeth while some ladies don’t enjoy that much saliva down there. Communication is key, let your partner know what you like and vice versa as well.

4. You can switch off the light

If you're not comfortable about it, turn off the light.  (iDisrupted)

Not everyone can leave their shyness about oral sex behind, if you don’t feel comfortable about giving head while the light is on, then switch it off. It can be mentally disturbing if it’s bright everywhere, the dark also helps concentrate on the what you’re doing.

5. You don’t have to swallow

Forget what you see in porn movies, nobody has to swallow anyone’s cum. Before you feel so free that you can cum over her face or into her mouth. Speak to her, discuss the item before you take the leap and dump into her mouth. She doesn’t have to swallow your seed.

6. Switch the tactic

While giving her oral sex, try to switch up the activity, you can lick for a while then suck for a while too, the sucking of the clitoris can increase pleasure, the intensity can be really good.

7. You can use your hands

You can use your hands when your mouth gets busy.  (Shutterstock)

There is the chance that after a while that you’ve been plunging your tongue everywhere down there, you can take a break with your mouth, and switch to your fingers. Switch between delicate touches and pressured touches, see which one she enjoys, make sure to use lubes while at it.

Why you must avoid sitting crossing legs

Why you must avoid sitting crossing legs

A bad sitting posture could cause major damage to legs. In this report by SADE OGUNTOLA, experts say that sitting in crossed-leg position for a prolonged period, for instance, can do more harm than good.

The crossing of knees is a very common pose people adopt when sitting down; many people do this consciously. This position is elegant and s3xy, and often associated with being ’’feminine’’ and ’’ladylike.’’  But not too many people know that sitting crossed leg can have some serious consequences on their health and bodies.

Charming as sitting with a crossed-leg posture may seem to be, it is not a normal sitting position to be encouraged for prolonged period of time.

“A fat person that sits with crossed-leg will feel the muscles of the thigh rub more on themselves. So, it will not be too comfortable for a fat person, even if a slim person can cope,” said Dr Fatai Adeniyi, a physiotherapist, College of Medicine, University of Ibadan, Oyo State.

According to Dr Adeniyi, sitting with crossed legs would also require that the ligaments that hold the bones also have to stretch to keep that position because it is not a normal anatomic position.

“This can affect blood circulation; there will be a point that the blood vessel will be angulated. Blood flow will be impeded, so it will not be as free as it should,” he added.

Posture issues may seem minor in the beginning but can cause serious health issues in the long run.  ”That is why individuals can change to the posture of sitting with closed legs and incline one side or with their feet planted flat on the floor and their knees making an angle of 90 degrees with the hips to be comfortable and polite,” Dr Adeniyi declared.

Research has found that good posture leads to improved intelligence; protects from back problems and “sitting disease”; and staves off heart disease and diabetes.

Dr Abiodun Adeoye, a consultant cardiologist, University College Hospital (UCH), Ibadan, Oyo State, said spending too much time with crossed-legs can cause the leg or foot go numb.

“Crossing the legs can put pressure on the peroneal nerve at the back of the knee, which supplies sensation to the lower legs and feet. Of course, this uncomfortable feeling will make the individual move,” he stated.

He declared that even when taking blood pressure measurement crossing of legs is also not allowed because it might skew the reading by temporarily raising the blood pressure.

Studies have found that leg crossing can result in a higher blood pressure reading. One of the studies was conducted at a hypertension clinic in Istanbul.

The Istanbul researchers took several readings with legs crossed and uncrossed. Again, blood pressure was higher when legs were crossed, but when the measurements were repeated just three minutes after uncrossing the legs, blood pressure was back to the earlier levels. The greatest rise in blood pressure occurs in people already being treated for high blood pressure.

It is reasoned that because the blood in the legs has to work against gravity to be pumped back to the heart, crossing one leg over the other increases resistance, making it even harder for the blood to circulate. This causes the body to increase the blood pressure to push the blood back to the heart.

Although crossing of legs at the knee when sitting down does not give high blood pressure in the long term, he said its effect on blood circulation in individuals with some peripheral vascular diseases can be catastrophic.

“This is a country that many people do not go for medical checkups and might not know they have such a problem as peripheral vascular diseases,” he added.

Peripheral vascular disease (PVD) is a blood circulation disorder that causes the blood vessels outside of the heart and brain to narrow, block, or spasm. This can happen in the arteries or veins. PVD typically causes pain and fatigue, often in the legs, and especially during exercise.

Dr Tayo Ayorinde, a consultant orthopaedic and spine surgeon in Lagos, said crossing of legs is always discouraged in persons that had just undergone hip replacement surgery because it could dislocate the hip as well as those with some inflammatory conditions of the joints such as gout and rheumatoid disease.

Although crossing legs at the knee would not predispose an individual to develop arthritis in a healthy person, Dr Ayorinde stated: “to the best of my knowledge, crossing legs on its own and in an otherwise normal healthy person should have no consequence.”

Much as ladies tend to cross their legs for some other reasons, he assured that if it is not done beyond what the body can cope wth, it should be okay.

Dr Ayorinde, however, cautioned persons above 40 years against crossing of legs when on long trips either by road or air because this could narrow down blood flow around the knee area, making a clot more likely.

“The limps are in an abnormal awkward position, so this may increase a risk for blood clot formation in the calf muscles, what is medically termed Deep vein thrombosis (DVT). It is bad enough that when flying one cannot be standing, but there is the need to be changing position regularly,” he said.

The surgeon said the current recommendation is that nobody should sit for more than 30 minutes at a stretch when it is possible, adding that the risk of an early death is higher in people that seat for a longer than 30 minutes at a stretch.

He declared, “Individuals are advised to change position at least every 30 minutes, even if it is just to stand and sit back again.”

But even if the crossing of legs does not give high blood pressure in the long term, some people suggest that it can give varicose veins.

Usually, tiny valves in the blood vessels prevent blood from flowing back in the wrong direction, but if those valves become stretched and weakened the blood can pool, resulting in the enlarged veins that are all varicose veins.

Sitting in crossed-leg position can also lead to pelvic imbalance. It is due to the reason that this position can impact your inner and outer thigh muscles. This could also put your leg-joints at risk.

Also, one study found that people who sat with their legs crossed for more than three hours a day were more likely to lean forward and to round their shoulders.

How can I make my hair start to grow in the front of my head again?

How can I make my hair start to grow in the front of my head again?

Neha Kalia

former Bsc(bio) 2nd Year Student at Maharani College, Jaipur

6w ago

First, it is important to determine the cause of hair loss. For the majority, chances are that your baldness pattern is hereditary. There are other factors that can also result in hair loss and you should be aware of them. Once you know what is causing your hair loss, you can determine which remedy can address the problem and allow for natural hair growth. The last thing you want to do is waste time on a treatment on how to regrow hair on the bald head that didn’t apply to your particular case.

Natural Remedies for Hair Growth on a Bald Head

Vitamin B

Increasing B7 and B3 intakes help to improve blood circulation, increasing the number of nutrients and oxygen going to the follicles. They also strengthen the hair and help protect the hair from breaking and dryness.

Vitamin A

It helps to keep the scalp oily promoting hair growth and keeps the hair from drying out and breaking.

Vitamin D

Even though vitamin D has always been linked to bones. It is believed that having a rich vitamin D intake helps to keep hair roots healthy and strong.

Vitamin E

While vitamin E has antioxidant properties to stimulate hair growth.

Taking these vitamins is will allow your hair to grow faster and be stronger. Not only this but they can also grow hair on a balding head.

Massaging your head with Castor Oil and Coconut Oil

Castor oil mixed with coconut oil can become an amazing Regent with amazing properties. Massaging these oils on bald areas invigorates the scalp. It increases the blood flow to the affected area and encourages hair growth. Massage the mixture of oils on the bald spots for about five minutes. Leave it in for an hour or so before rinsing. Repeat the process at least 2 or 3 times a week for best results.

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera has many incredible abilities. It can help in weight loss, is great for the skin and also works for hair. This natural gel is great in helping to fight hair loss. Applying a quarter copy of aloe vera on your scalp weekly will help reduce dandruff and hair loss. Apply aloe vera on the affected areas for fifteen minutes at a time and then rinse it with warm water.

Lemon Juice

Lemon juice is another of nature’s great Regents. It can help keep the hair on your head healthy and also keep the scalp moisturized to help fight dryness and dandruff.

Take two lemons and mix their juice in one cup of water. Apply the mixture on the balding spot for a couple of minutes before washing it off. It is recommended to do this once a week at the maximum. Too much lemon juice can actually discolor hair so don’t overdo it.

Using an egg pack

Another excellent natural method on how to regrow hair on the bald head is using an egg pack. As strange as it may sound, egg yolks are an excellent way of providing your hair with the protein it needs. Add to that the nourishing properties of olive oil and lemon juice and you have a winner.

Take one egg yolk and add two teaspoons of lemon juice and one teaspoon of olive oil. Mix the ingredients together. Apply the paste to the entire scalp and leave it in for fifteen to thirty minutes. Wash it out with warm water. The pack should be applied at least twice a week for best results.

Regrowing hair a bald head isn’t really a short-term exercise. No matter where you look for answers to your question on how to regrow hair on the bald head using natural methods, you won’t get any quick fixes. Most hair regrowth creams or remedies available in the market use the same ingredients that we have highlighted in this article. Why buy them from the market when you can make them at home? If some product is guaranteeing results, chances are that they may be overstating their own capability.

Neem Leaves

Washing your hair frequently with neem leaves water prevents premature hair graying and helps regrow hair on the bald head.Neem leaves possess powerful anti-fungal, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that prevent scalp infection, dandruff problems which are the main reasons for hair fall.

These natural remedies to regrow hair work. None of these treatments have any side effects and will only result in stronger and healthier hair growth.

Bhat Ashiq

Boss at Electronic Store (2016-present)

18w ago

This is my first video maybe you don't like the way I made this video, or you don't want to watch the full video. but trust me it's 100% helpful.

I'm not here to give u guys a long lecture about products etc, because people who are not facing the hairfall problem can't understand our feelings. they are just trying to sell their products. After wasted alot of money on medicine's and doctors I found nothing. Then i tried this way my own way and it worked on me. That's why I'm here to share this with everyone of u. Watch the reality in this video with photos.

Here is the answer you should watch this video.if you do believe in real things not stories. You can ask me any question,and if you don't understand Hindi/Urdu then find English translation in comments so you can get an idea.

In my upcoming video I'm going to show you how to get rid of pimples and acne permanently without using any medicines.

Please don't forget to share and subscribe my channel.


Nothing is impossible to a willing heart :)

Do you know how to use or how to get rid of onion smell.If you are using onion juice then watch my next video.

Onion is counted among 45 healthy foods. Onion is also mentioned in the Quran. The vegetable is full of antioxidants. It is helpful in fighting diseases like sugar and cancer. Onion consists of limestone, copper, iron, phosphorous, magnesium, potassium. Onion is a natural blood thinner, as it contains sulphide in large amounts. Raw onion balances cholesterol in our body. It prevents us from heart diseases. It also prevents from paralysis.

Lisa Malone

Have really long hair, tried and tested most products, Inc natural homemade

93w ago


Thank you for your A2A.

Ginger root stimulates circulation to the hair follicles, promoting hair renewal. There are many different remedies to achieve this, its a matter of finding one that suits. Neem oil, coconut oil also play a role in hair Regrowth. However healthy eating with a sufficient intake of vitamins B12, zinc, iron and copper are a certanty.

Oysters, chicken pork and beef along with chickpeas, onion, garlic, tomatoes are only a few off the list.

Take 1 tbsp ginger root. Grate it into a small bowl. Now add 1 tbsp of olive oil or jojoba oil to it and mix it well. Massage on your scalp using this mixture in circular motion. Rub it with your finger tips for 5 minutes. Leave it on your hair for minimum of 30 minutes. You will start to feel the warmth. Now wash it off with a shampoo. Don’t use conditioner just after rinsing it.


67w ago

Hair fall or balt patches occur due to deficiency of iron and zinc. Sufficient consumption of egg yolk and sea foods can help holding back the hair loss. You can go for homemade remedy - Just boil ratanjot oil in coconut oil , strain the oil and apply on the empty portion of your head. It helps controlling the hair fall and regrowth of hair naturally. For ready made ratanjot oil, you can inquire at

Emilie Val

studied at Health Sciences

160w ago

It depends on several factors. Are you a man or woman.

If you're a man it's most likely male pattern baldness. You can always try Rogaine although it helps with re growth with a very small percent of people. Oral medication has dreadful side effects. The obvious choice is often hair transplant which is invasive and costly.

If you're a woman, hair loss towards the front or top of the head is most often genetic and the options are alike to the ones outlined above.
Low iron and hormones could also be culprits so seeing a doctor or dermatologist who specializes in hair loss is imperative to get to a clear diagnosis.

Adriane Silva

Marketing AVP at Navaragon LLC

12w ago

Fast Hair Growth Products can help you grow back your hair. Choose those products that contains all natural ingredients. Make sure that its free from dangerous chemicals such as Parabens and SLS.

Sik Liong Sii

Medical Doctor

147w ago

Looks like you are suffering from male pattern hair loss if you are a man.
You may want to see a doctor to get some advice. There are medical treatments available for male pattern hair loss. 
Propecia (Finasteride) is a medication commonly used in this problem.
You can also try topical products that stimulate hair growth.
Hair transplant is another option.

Claire McCabe

Step into my Salon.

161w ago

That right.

Pardon the pun, but that's the long and the short of it.

There are various surgical procedures that can be approached,  if you have the money. Be sure not to hunt for bargains.

10 signs you are dating the wrong person

10 signs you are dating the wrong person

Many people do not know when they are being used in a relationship, leaving them to become vulnerable. Here is how to know if the person you are dating is the right person or not. Do you have any exes who were so awful you couldn’t help wondering, “What the hell was I thinking?” Join the club.

If you’d like to make sure you’re with Mr. or Ms. Right, watch out next time for these 10 signs that you’re dating the wrong person.

1. You feel like you have to wear a mask.

If you’re putting on a song-and-dance in an elaborate attempt to impress your partner, you might be dating the wrong person. Your partner should love you as you are. Does it feel like they are trying to mold you into an entirely different person? If so, it might be time to let them go.

2. They think the world revolves around them.

If it seems like your partner is more interested in how you fit in their world than they are with your individual needs, you might be dating the wrong person. Even though you just went to his parents’ house for Thanksgiving last year, he gets upset when you suggest visiting your parents this year. Despite the fact that she knows you haven’t had a night out with the guys in over a month because work’s been so busy, she pitches a fit because you’re not spending time with her. If your partner’s words and actions scream, “ME-ME-ME,” you should find someone who appreciates your needs (and not only theirs).

3. Your friends and family haven’t met them.
If you haven’t introduced your partner to your friends or family despite spending a decent amount of time together, you might be dating the wrong person. Let’s just face it, shall we? There are only a few reasons why you wouldn’t introduce your partner to your friends or family, and none of them are pretty. If you’re so embarrassed by this person that you don’t want to invite them into your social circles, do everyone a favor and pull the plug.

4. They don’t really listen to you.
If your partner is always waiting for their turn to speak, you might be dating the wrong person. They always go off on tangents about their day at work, but never seem interested in yours. They always suggest where they’d like to go, but never seem to care what you think. If your partner does a whole lot of speaking (but never listens), you might want to find someone not so self-centered to share your life with.
5. Hanging out with them drains you.
If spending time with your partner exhausts you, you might be dating the wrong person. Even the best of relationships include the occasional fight, but this should be the exception, not the norm. You should feel happy and alive with your partner, not sad and stuck.

6. You avoid difficult conversations.
If every difficult chat gets swept under the rug, you might be dating the wrong person. Should you bring up things like politics, religion, favorite sexual positions, or your desire to have five children on the first date? Probably not. But as the weeks and months and years go on, it becomes more and more important to have those tough (but necessary) conversations. If you want to have children but your partner doesn’t, you might have a problem. If your religion is a top priority but your partner is anything but a devout follower, you need to have a chat. If there’s something the matter, say so (because no, your partner isn’t a psychic)
7. Your relationship is their one and only interest.
If your partner has no hobbies or interests outside of your relationship, you might be dating the wrong person. Who would want to date a person who isn’t passionate about anything? Tread carefully if your partner has zero life goals, because relationships with a person lacking ambition are anything but fulfilling. And that brings us to…

8. They expect 24/7 companionship.
If your partner is so clingy you want to scream, you might be dating the wrong person.
It is unhealthy and unwise to expect a person to be your singular source of happiness. Alone time isn’t merely just something that would be nice to have, but rather a necessity for your mental health.

9. You never feel like you’re “good enough.”
If your partner never has anything nice to say, you might be dating the wrong person. No matter how hard you try, you feel like you can’t do anything right. No matter how much you do, you feel like you always have to prove yourself. No matter how much you love them, you feel like they don’t return the feeling.

10. You can’t imagine a future together without laughing or crying.
If the thought of a life-long commitment makes you want to curl up in a ball and weep, you might be dating the wrong person. I know the thought of being alone might not appeal to you, but staying in a relationship that is destined for failure is as silly as it gets. If you have no future with this person, end the relationship and find someone you can be happy with.
There they are ladies and gentlemen. If you’re partner has these traits, RUN. Yes I said it. They’re not just good for you.


Mike Ezuruonye's wife: who is the woman that makes the famous actor happy?

Mike Ezuruonye's wife: who is the woman that makes the famous actor happy?

The prominent movie star Mike Ezuruonye has stolen the hearts of Nigerians with his charming smile and talented acting. Many people wish to know if he is a happy family man. In this post, you will receive the true information about Mike Ezuruonye wife and his family.

Mike Ezuruonye: who is he?

The famous movie star Mike Ezuruonye was born on September 21st, 1982 in Lagos. He came from a wealthy family, being the eldest child of four, but everything changed when his father passed away, and he had to help out his mother who worked hard to make sure her children have a decent life. He enjoyed acting since his young years, even though his education was connected with banking. His career in Nollywood started accidentally when the famous producer Ruke Amata found him at the filling station and advised him to attend casting calls for the movies.

Now, Mike Ezuruonye has a huge experience behind his back, having starred in plenty of commercially successful and fan-favourite movies. He won a lot of prestigious awards for his talent and is considered to be one of the wealthiest Nollywood actors. Many people are wondering about his private life. Is Mike Ezuruonye married or is he single? You can find all the answers to the questions about Mike Ezuruonye family here.

Mike Ezuruonye wife biography

The outstanding Nollywood actor is happily married to the love of his life. Mike Ezuruonye first met his beautiful wife, Keke Nkechi Nnorom, in Abuja on the movie set. Their meeting took place in 2009. Nkechi used to live in Canada, where she worked as a medical psychologist, but later she moved back to Nigeria, and it happened not so long before she met her famous husband.

The gorgeous wedding took place in November 2010. Mike and Nkechi white wedding took place at the Folawiyo Bankole Methodist Church in Lagos.

Mike Ezuruonye wedding, photo from

Currently, Mike Ezuruonye and his lovely wife Nkechi live together in Ontario, Canada. They have two children together – a boy and a girl. Their cute little son was born in October 2011, in Canada and his name is Reynold Nkembuchim Ezuruonye. Some fans jokingly called Mike Ezuruonye’s little son “the independence baby”, since he was born on October 1st, which is the day of independence in Nigeria. Mike Ezuruonye has a lot of photos with Reynold on social media, and he loves his little son more than anything.

In September 2016, it became known that Mike and Nkechi had a little daughter. She was born in Canada too. The media still does not know the name of Mike Ezuruonye’s little girl, because the parents try not to show her so much on social media while she is still very young. Hopefully, they will reveal her name and photos soon.

Mike Ezuruonye always talks very fondly about his wife and family. He confesses that in the show business it is hard to stay away from scandals and controversy, but he manages to do it. According to Mike, the key to being scandal-free is minding no one’s business but your own, and being careful about what you say and do. He admits that there are always some people who expect him to do wrong things, but they do not deserve his attention. As he says, his family fully supports him, and they do not believe any rumors that are spread about him by the media.

Mike Ezuruonye and family photos

Here are the adorable photos of Mike Ezuruonye with his beautiful wife and beloved children.

Mike Ezuruonye with wife, photo from

Mike Ezuruonye and son, photo from

Mike Ezuruonye with son, photo from

Mike Ezuruonye is a happy man with a loving family, and this is a rare thing in Nollywood. We wish the best to him, his wife, and children.

Omotola Jalade Is The Breadwinner Of Her Family, Pilot Husband Captain Matthew Ekeinde Not As Rich As You Think

Omotola Jalade Is The Breadwinner Of Her Family, Pilot Husband Captain Matthew Ekeinde Not As Rich As You Think

Though Nollywood actress Omotola Jalade is doing everything in her power to hype her man, we learnt  her Oga Pilot husband, Matthew Ekeinde is not as wealthy as his wife portrays him to be.

The indigene of Sabongida Ora in Edo state who spent five years  in Owerri where his father worked as a DPO later relocated to Lagos where he met Omotola years later.

The source said the son of an Igbo woman from Abo in Delta state has a bit of responsibility on his shoulder which we learnt might be preventing him to be the lavish  hubby most women wants but his hardworking wife is not complaining since she also has a heavy bank account.

Mr Matthew Ekeinde an experienced pilot who  has worked with Sosoliso, Pan African Airline, Arik Air, Bellview , Aero Contract and Air Nigeria in the past is not broke for wrong reasons.

The source said Mr Ekeinde is a big dreamer who has been dreaming to have a mini airport for a long time but since he invested his money in 100 acres of land in Badagry few years ago, things have become really tough for him.

Captain Ekeinde who established The Aquatic Jungle Entertainment, a tourist center in Badagry years ago is still working to establish a 5-star hotel, zoo, aquariums and roller coasters.

All his big dreams which cost money we learnt has left him in a position where is wife has been working round the clock to provide for the family since she is fully supportive of her husband big dream which once accomplished will make him one of the wealthiest man in the country.

Amara Kanu Apologize For Causing Rift In Her Family

Amara Kanu Apologize For Causing Rift In Her Family

Nigerian fitness coach, Amara KANU, the wife of Nigerian football legend, Kanu Nwankwo has decided to stretch the olive branch to her in-laws, Ogbonna Kanu and Laura Ikeji.

Amara and her brother in-law have been at loggerheads for awhile, which at its peak, turned into a rampaging battle of words on social media. This led to reports that Amara had started experiencing a strain in her marriage, as her issue with Ogbonna put a bridge between her and Kanu.

She has finally apologised to her husband and family for dragging their rift online. See what she wrote on her storyline after the cut…

Meet the three new Super Eagles invitee

Meet the three new Super Eagles invitee

Meet the three new Super Eagles invitee of Junior Ajayi, Stephen Eze and Gabriel Okechukwu called up by Technical Adviser, Gernot Rohr for the first-time since the Franco-German took the affair of the national team.

The trio is part of his 28-man squad to face Poland and Serbia in pre-FIFA World Cup friendly matches this month at the 43 000-seater Stadium Wroclaw on 23 March, before heading off to London for the clash with Serbia four days later.

The 22-year-old Ajayi who plies his trade in Egypt with Al Ahly and he has consisted been in good form since switching to the land the Pharaohs from Tunisia outfit CS Sfaxien scoring eight goals and assisting nine in 23 games, as they close in a 40th league title.

However, African Nations Championship star Okechukwu is the revelation of Home base Eagles in Morroco the Akwa United forward who has netted twice at  CHAN including the extra winner against Angola.

While the 23-year-old defender Eze who already joins the Bulgarian club Lokomotiv Plovdiv, played every minute as Nigeria reached the championship game at the CHAN including man of the match performance against Rwanda which was impressed with the former Kano Pillars star performance at the tournament.

Joel Obi return back to Super Eagles after four years the Torino midfielder has been handed a chance to break into Nigeria's 2018 World Cup party with a recall by the German coach with the talented Torino midfielder, whose career has suffered from a succession of injuries.

These are the first two of six friendly encounters planned for the Super Eagles by the Nigeria Football Federation ahead of the World Cup finals in Russia this summer.

Jay Jay Okocha, Kanu Nwakwo to make a comeback

Jay Jay Okocha, Kanu Nwakwo to make a comeback

Nigerian legends Kanu Nwankwo, J.J. Okocha and Peter Rufai are set to make a return to action in a friendly match in honour of the first lady of Nigeria, Mrs. Aisha Buhari,National Daily learnt.

The National Centre for Women Development (NCWD), who are the organizers of the charity match said the program is organized in conjunction with the United Nations Children’s Fund “UNICEF and it will be played on 10th of March 2018 at the Abuja national stadium in support of the charity work of Aisha Buhari’s foundation Future Assured Programme,National Daily gathered.

The director general of NCWD Mrs. Mary Ekpere-Eta told National Daily.

She said NCWD and UNICEF having recognized the laudable project of the first lady, is hosting the two-day programme in her support for the work she is doing especially for the Nigerian child.

The football match will feature the Nigerian Super Eagles legends and others versus legends of FC Barcelona, including Ronaldinho, Edgar Davids and others.

Five Celebrity Romances That Didn’t Stand The Test Of Time

Five Celebrity Romances That Didn’t Stand The Test Of Time

Sometimes love is made to last but other times the sweetness of romance has an expiration date.  No one knows this truth more than Nigerian celebrities.

Here are five celebrity couples whose lost the sparks and called it quits.

5. Yvonne Nelson & Iyanya

Yvonne Nelson and Iyanya

Once upon a time, Nigerian musician,Iyanya, was so smitten by  Ghanaian actress, Yvonne Nelson, that she inspired a line in arguably the biggest song of the musician’s career. Things did not stay rosy in their love garden for long as their eighth-month-old relationship came to an end in the face of infidelity rumours.

4. Uche Jombo & Ikechukwu Uche

Ubi Franklin and Emma Nyra

It seems like forever ago when actress,Uche Jombo, and Ex Nigeria Super Eagles star, Ikechukwu Uche, were the hottest couple on…

Is Ngozi Ezeonu married?

Is Ngozi Ezeonu married?

Mar 6, 2018 1:39 PM

Everybody knows that Ngozi Ezeonu is a popular Nigerian actress who gave us a lot of brilliant performances in films. Some fans also wonder about her personal life, so here we will bring you all the true information about her family. Is Ngozi Ezeonu married? Does she have children? Find out here!

Who is Ngozi Ezeonu?

This wonderful actress joined Nollywood in 1993 and started acting in films. She starred in more than 150 different movies. Some of her most popular movies are “Glamour Girls”, “Shattered Mirror”, “Adesuwa”, and “The Pretty Serpent”, as well as many others. She is also known to be picky when she chooses scripts, as she does not want to disappoint her young fans who view her as a role model. Ngozi tries her best to stay out of Nollywood drama and scandals. She is a family woman who tries to spend as much time as possible with her loved ones.

Ngozi Ezeonu, photo from

Nigerian actress Ngozi Ezeonu husband and children

The famous actress has been married for fourteen years already, and her marriage is really happy. Ngozi Ezeonu husband’s name is Edwin, and he absolutely loves his beautiful and talented wife. Ngozi Ezeonu confessed that her family is not entirely perfect and they might have fights at times. However, they really care about each other and are able to solve all the issues and disagreements. Ngozi Ezeonu says that the happy family is the family where everyone feels comfortable and trusts each other.

A few years ago, the rumor broke out about Ngozi Ezeonu and her husband’s breakup. The media suggested different versions of the story – some said that one of them cheated on another, and others wrote that Ngozi Ezeonu let fame take over her and now she is treating her husband worse than usual. However, the actress denied all the gossips, saying that she still lives happily with her husband and the media should not involve her in scandals and rumors.

Ngozi Ezeonu and her husband Edwin are blessed with four beautiful children. The actress rarely shows them, because she prefers to keep her family life private. However, from what we know, her daughter is just as gorgeous as her mother. As for her sons, they grew up into handsome young men and Ngozi Ezeonu is extremely proud of them.

Ngozi Ezeonu and her sons, photo from

The movie star Ngozi Ezeonu is not only a talented actress but also a happy woman who has a great family. She loves her husband and children and is loved by them. Hopefully, her happiness will last forever.

Mother Catches Teacher Pants Down With Her 15-Year-Old Son

Mother Catches Teacher Pants Down With Her 15-Year-Old Son

A teacher is facing four years jail after she was caught having sex with a 15-year-old boy she was tutoring privately. 

Natalya Nikandrova was caught by the boy’s mother performing a sex act on the teenager at his home in St Petersburg, Russia.

The 35-year-old teacher, who was friends with the mum, had been taken on to teach the boy at his home.

According to local media, the teenager comes from a wealthy family.

He often posts photos of himself on social media with beautiful women, and expensive cars.

His father, an oil tycoon, and mother decided to have him home-educated with some of the best teachers in the city.

But after taking on a family friend, the horrified mum walked in to find the woman seducing her son.

A police spokesman said: ‘The suspect started seducing her pupil and it was her initiative.

‘The lesson ended with sexual activity with a person under the age of 16.

‘The teacher has been charged and the case will be forwarded to the Moscow District Court.’