Sunday 18 March 2018

Governor disappointed as ‘4000’ PDP decampees fail to appear

Governor disappointed as ‘4000’ PDP decampees fail to appear

Jigawa State governor, Muhammed Badaru at Birnin Kudu Local Government Area

Governor Muhammad Badaru Abubakar of Jigawa state went home disappointed when 4000 Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) decampees failed to appear at a rally as earlier announced.

Mr. Badaru was in Birnin Kudu Local Government Area of the state on Sunday, the venue of the occasion to recieve the decampees and commission projects.

The event, organised by Magaji Da’u Aliyu, a member representing Birnin Kudu /Buji federal constituency, was also put together to donate vehicles to party faithful, flag off a feeder road as well as donate N20 million to students of higher institutions from his constituency.

Danmalam Unguwarya, the leader of the decampees did not turn up when called up to present his speech on behalf of the decampees neither did any of his representatives or decampees.

Obviously rattled by the turn of events and to forestall a commotion by political thugs, Mr. Badaru, when delivering a hurried speech, urged party members to take after him by playing politics without bitterness, insisting that “without unity their collective victory will be at a stake”.

Mr. Badaru then flagged off the Waurno to Dankoshe feeder road, presented a N20 million prototype cheque to the leaders of the student unions and gave out keys of six vehicles to party officials from his constituency.

Mr. Aliyu, who did not give details of the length and cost of the road, neither clarified whether the project is a federal government project or part of his constituency projects.

All efforts to speak with him proved abortive as he declined talking to reporters.

Bello Zaki, special adviser to Governor Badaru on media, said the governor was simply there to commission the projects and support the lawmaker. He said only the APC state chairman could explain why the decampees failed to show up.

Ado Kiri, the party chairman, did not pick the calls when PREMIUM TIMES sought clarification.

Lady With No Male Child, Buys Trafficked Twin Boys For N1.5m In Abia

Lady With No Male Child, Buys Trafficked Twin Boys For N1.5m In Abia

A woman who claimed she has no male children, has been arrested in Abia state after she was caught with twin boys that were allegedly trafficked.

The woman was arrested alongside some other two women by the Abia State police command, in connection with the trafficking of a set of twin baby boys in Aba.

Ifeoma Ezeanodo was first arrested with the two babies and on interrogation, she could not give a satisfactory account of the babies. She later said she adopted the babies from one Ifeoma Nwogu.

According to Punchng, her confession led to the arrest of the second and third suspects. Ezeanodo said she wanted to adopt baby boys since she had only girls.

She said:-

“I wanted to adopt baby boys to secure my family since I have only girls, but I didn’t know it was illegal people that I was dealing with.”

But Nwogu insisted that she gave the babies to Ezeanodo in order to ensure that they were raised in a good home.

Nwogu said:

“I have a motherless babies’ home that I registered with the Abia State Ministry of Women Affairs.

A volunteer brought a set of twin baby boys to my home and after asking her the source of the babies, she told me that they were abandoned babies and the best thing to do was to give the babies to a home.

I adopted the babies to a woman who paid me N1.5m and I gave the person that brought the babies to me N500,000 and handed over the baby to the woman.”

However, police investigation revealed that Nwogu could not provide the certificate that empowers her to run a motherless babies’ home. A search on her alleged home revealed that there were no motherless children there.

The volunteer, one Onyinyechi Chinedu, who identified herself as a nurse with St. George Hospital in Aba, said one girl had approached her to help give her babies to a woman that could take care of them because she did not have money to take care of them.

5 Low Maintenance Hairstyles For Nigerian Working Mums - INFORMATION NIGERIA

5 Low Maintenance Hairstyles For Nigerian Working Mums - INFORMATION NIGERIA

Working moms are busy. Between getting the kids ready for school and getting to work, the chances of having some ‘me time’ are few and far between. The only time we get is usually in traffic. The other day, we shared five practical makeup tips for working moms because we understand the dilemmas working moms face when it comes to self – care. As much as we always want to look like we got a good night sleep, sometimes the universe conspires against us. So, we end up dashing out of the house without makeup with our hair in various directions.

How then do we fix that? How do we ensure you look half-decent every day of the week without putting too much effort? It’s simple.

There are times when no matter how you squeeze it, there’s simply no time for makeup. But who cares about your face if your hair is on point?

So, what are some of those hairstyles that take very little effort to install and maintain?

As a working mom, it might be tempting to live in wigs but it’s not exactly the best way to treat your hair. Constantly wearing wigs gradually leads to thinning edges and hair loss. Trust me, you don’t want to be dealing with that. It’s too much headache.

But if you insist on using wigs, here are some best practices to bear in mind.

Avoid leaving the weaves in for too long. Too long being more than eight weeks. For wigs, make sure you take them out every night and massage your edges with castor oil to prevent thinning edges.
Try to wash your hair bi-weekly. If you can’t seem to remember, make appointments ahead with your salon. That keeps you in check.
Whenever you remember, try to moisturize. It will keep your hair in good shape.
For those of us working moms that are not about that wig life, here are some other low – maintenance hairstyles you probably already familiar with that you can try.

In recent times, Ghana weaving has gotten some really bad rep because of the collateral damage they seem to have done to Nigeria women’s hair in general. I mean, who doesn’t love Ghana weaving? It’s almost glorious to look at. But unfortunately, many stylists still haven’t gotten a hang of it without destroying our edges. Those that have are quite frankly, unicorns. All this still doesn’t underrate the effectiveness of Ghana weaving as a low maintenance hairstyle for working moms. You can literally forget your hair for 3 – 5 weeks depending on your texture.

SEE ALSO: See The Hairstyles Our Mothers Rocked Before The Brazilian, Indian & Every Other Weave!

For the natural haired working moms, mini twists are bae. Although it takes quite a bit of time to install, the results are yummy looking twists which can be worn for up to eight weeks. Again, depending on your hair texture. For the 4C moms, this is a great hairstyle. Plus, the longer it stays, the better looking it becomes. If you’re feeling particularly pretty, you can decide to style it as you wish. Mini- twists are cost-friendly, versatile and most importantly low maintenance. You just need to spritz your hair regularly with your hair mist and you are good to go.

Box braids are universal and not limited to hair texture as it works for both natural and relaxed working moms. It’s a great way to put your hair away for about six weeks without thinking about it. Just like mini twists, they are also versatile and low maintenance.

The great thing about a pixie cut is that it gives you a completely new look especially if you are used to wearing your hair or extensions long. It just keeps your hair off your back for a while which I absolutely love in this heat. Plus, you don’t have to spend so much time on it in the morning. Just brush and go. Can it get any more low maintenance than that?

Buns work better for those with long natural hair or relaxed hair. But if your hair isn’t really long, you could always use some extensions to extend its longevity. Buns/updos are great low maintenance hair styles which can be worn for up to two to three weeks.

Meet The 16-Year-Old Boy Who Is Being Hailed As The Tallest Teenager In The World (Photos)

Meet The 16-Year-Old Boy Who Is Being Hailed As The Tallest Teenager In The World (Photos)

Sixteen year old Brandon Marshall at a local park basketball court in Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk

A 16-year-old British lad is being hailed as the tallest teen in the world as he stands at an incredible seven feet and four inches.

And to top it all lofty Brandon Marshall - who doctors say is still growing - has just fulfilled his sporting dream and been picked for the Welsh national basketball team. 

Brandon's mum Lynne Quelch, 49, said: 'I can't believe he's still growing. 

'It is crazy, walking down the road with Brandon. 

'People stop him, asking for photos with him. 

'To be honest I don't know what height he is going to reach. 

'He is so shy as well bless him, he is so introvert. 

'When people notice his height, he says "oh here we go again, yes I am tall, yes I am Britain's tallest teenager".' 

Brandon Marshall age 16 with his sister Zoe Nunnage, 25, who is 5ft 6ins

Brandon, of Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, hit the headlines last year when he grew to 6ft 11inches to become Britain's tallest teenager. 

But he has now grown an extra five inches in less than a year and is believed to be the tallest teen in the world. 

The former record holder Broc Brown, an American who stands 7ft 8inches tall, turned 20, last year. 

Brandon said: 'I was normal size up until the age of nine. 

'I then had a big growth spurt. 

'I was about 6ft when I was about 13 and I started to grow a lot more by then. 

'When I was in year nine I got to 6ft 7inchs and in year 10 I got to 7ft. 

'Shoes have always been a problem because I will never be able to find them and they are really expensive.' 

Brandon, who trains three times a week with national league team Bury Bulldogs, has now been selected for the Wales National Basketball team - as his mother is Welsh. 

He is currently training for his first professional match and will be jetting off to Lithuania next month. 

The teenager was able to slam dunk - slamming a basketball through ten foot high hoop while hanging on the edge - at the age of 13. Brandon, who also has size 17 feet, is still completing his GCSE's and is currently looking for basketball academies where he will be able to complete his A-levels. 

Lynne said: 'All the good colleges that have good basketball academies attached to them are all fighting over him as to who will get him. He absolutely loves it. 

'He already now plays for Wales and he has just done his first training last weekend with the Welsh international team.' 

Brandon with his sister Zoe and niece Isobelle Griffin, four

Brandon is currently under the genetics team at Addenbrooke's hospital as they want to investigate into why he is reaching these dramatic heights. 

The hospital tested Brandon for Marfan syndrome - a genetic disorder of connective issues - but it was negative. 

People with Marfan tend to be tall, thin, with long arms, legs, fingers, and toes. 

Lynne said: 'They want to look into why he is as tall as he is and they still haven't got an answer to that.

'They said about four months ago he will only grow about 5cms but he has killed that and he is still going. 

'They were doing test for Marfan syndrome which would make sense as to why his hands are so large and he is as destructive as he is.

'All his tests results have come back inconclusive, which means he hasn't got it because it would be a definitive yes or no and so they are a bit baffled. 

'I think he has just got a mixture of large genes in him.' 

Brandon is the middle child amongst his siblings. 

His 30-year-old brother, Zak reaches a height of 6ft 4in and his 25-year-old sister, Zoe is 5ft 6in. 

His younger brother Jordan, 12, who has cerebral palsy is at an average height for his age. Brandon's mum is 5ft 11in and his father is 6ft 10in.

Paul Sturgess from the UK currently holds the title for Britain's tallest man at a height of 7ft 7in. And, Robert Pershing Wadlow from the United States currently holds the title for the world's tallest man 8 ft 11in.


Supreme Court affirms death sentence on Imo Teacher

Supreme Court affirms death sentence on Imo Teacher

From Angela Nkwo-Akpolu, Owerri

The Supreme Court sitting in Abuja has affirmed the death sentence on a primary school teacher in Imo State, Mrs Chifoanu Virginia Okorie, for her role in the gruesome murder of late Nze Dominic Ohamadiaku Duru, an ex-Police officer and community leader from Izombe in Oguta Local Government Area of Imo, thirteen years ago.
Mrs Chifoanu had sought to overturn her conviction as one of the nine accused persons charged with murder contrary to section 319 (1) of the Criminal Code, Cap 30 Vol. 11 Laws of Eastern Nigeria 1963 as applicable to Imo State of Nigeria…”
An Owerri High Court had in May, 2013 sentenced eight persons to death by hanging after they were found guilty of first degree murder.
The convicted persons were: James Ugwuoha Duru, Fester Nuforo, Alexander Nnadi (Alias Apollo), Friday Nuforo, Jonathan Chuddy Nnadi, Mrs Chifoanu Virginia Okorie, Mattias Ohazurike and Evans Egbujor. The ninth person, Mrs Susana James Duru was freed after findings showed she did not participate in the murder act.
The murder was over dispute of a land in Amaudara village, in Obeabo Autonomous community of Izombe in Oguta LGA of Imo State.
Trouble started when the convicted persons conspired and murdered the deceased on the 3rd of March, 2005 following a protracted land matter and other sundry community issues.
According to available reports, the condemned persons had on the said day, lured the deceased to his farm land in a bush (Okpouzi) in the village where they laid siege for him and killed him.
The Supreme Court in its judgment in suit number: SC/640/2014, between Chifoanu Okorie and the State, Justice John Inyang, leading other four Justices of the Supreme Court, dismissed Mrs Okorie’s appeal to have the decision of the Owerri Court of Appeal overturned, and aligned itself with the 17th July, 2014 decision of the Court of Appeal sitting in Owerri (which affirmed the earlier death sentence passed on Mrs Okorie and seven others by an Owerri High Court).
The convicted persons had tried to manipulate the court through falsification of the autopsy conducted on the corpse of the deceased, wherein it was alleged that he died of a natural cause. Further, they alleged that the deceased was used for rituals; but the court threw out the diversionary stories.
Other Justices, Justice Musa Dattijo Muhammad; Justice Amiru Sanusi; Justice Kudirat M.O. Kekere-Ekun all supported the sentence while Justice Ejembi Eko gave a dissenting (minority) judgement.
Meanwhile, seven other related cases are yet to be determined by the apex court on the same matter relating to the murder.

Disappointed robber demands refund of bribe paid to police

Disappointed robber demands refund of bribe paid to police

Mutinda Kilonzo revealed to the court that he was escorted by police officers to the bank where he withdrew an amount of Sh200,000 and paid to them to fulfill his part of the agreement aimed at his release.

Disappointed robber demands refund of bribe paid to police

A court in Machakos County of Kenya was thrown into a state of shock on Tuesday when a suspect standing trial for robbery demanded a refund of bribe he had paid to the police after an agreement to kill the case.

According to the Daily Nation, Mutinda Kilonzo revealed to the court that he was escorted by police officers to the bank where he withdrew an amount of Sh200,000 and paid to them to fulfill his part of the agreement aimed at his release.

Mutinda Kilonzo is quoted as having told Kithimani Senior Resident Magistrate, Gilbert Shikwe that: “I was escorted from the police station to KCB Matuu branch in a police vehicle and taken back to custody after withdrawing Sh200,000, which was to be shared between the police officers and the complainant to settle the case and get me freed.”

Disappointed robber demands refund of bribe paid to police

 To prove that he was telling the truth, the suspect reportedly presented a bank slip to the court indicating that he had indeed withdrawn the money on March 8 at 15:59pm.

Records at the Matuu Police Station gave credence to the suspect’s claim as documents showed that he was arrested on the night of March 7 and booked in under reference number OB3/8/3/2018, at 2am.

The records indicated that on the day of the said bank withdrawal, he was still in police custody.

The suspect emphatically said: “Your honour, now that I have been produced in court, please help me get back the Sh200,000 I gave…because it was meant to secure my freedom.”

Disappointed robber demands refund of bribe paid to police

He is being tried together with accomplices, Kelvin Mutunga, Samson Mutavi, Solomon Mutuku and Mwandikwa Sulai for robbing one businessman, Michael Matheka.

Per the charge sheet, the robbers broke into Michael Matheka’s electronic shop on different occasions between November 30, 2017 and February 17 this year, and stole goods valued at Sh350,000.

As if that was not enough, they again broke into the victim’s house and made away with five television sets, six mattresses, one motorcycle, clothes and other household goods, all worth Sh674,500.

Disappointed robber demands refund of bribe paid to police


The court ordered the Directorate of Criminal Investigations in Matuu to investigate the bribery case.

However, explaining their modus operandi, the charge sheet indicated that Mutinda Kilonzo and his gang spent a whole one week in the victim’s house jubilating, cooking, eating and making away with his belongings during the period.

At night they made away with the belongings, and at dawn they returned to the house to continue their merry making.

They even harvested fish from the victim’s fish pond and prepared sumptuous meals for themselves for a whole week, as if the house was there.

Tears as actor Moses Armstrong buries his late wife, Rita who died in an accident

Tears as actor Moses Armstrong buries his late wife, Rita who died in an accident

Top Nollywood actor Moses Armstrong has laid his wife, Rita to rest after he lost her to a fatal accident.

The actor who is also a special appointment by Akwa Ibom governor lost his wife who is also an actress to the cold hands of death after she sustained spinal cord injuries following a tragic accident.

The mother of two was returning to her husband’s place in Uyo, Akwa Ibom state from Lagos on Saturday, February 3, when the Akwa Ibom Transport Company (AKTC) bus conveying her got involved in a ghastly crash at the Ugbogui axis of Benin Ore Lagos Expressway.

Her burial ceremony took place over the weekend with top actors and actresses in attendance.

Check out photos below:

Rita Armstrong laid to rest

Armstrong being held by Okon Lagos

Family of the deaseased

Actor Moses Armstrong and Ojon Lagos at the burial

The deceased Rita Armstrong started her career in 1999 and then quit when she got married to movie director and producer, Moses Armstrong in 2005.

Moses is renown Nollywood actor known popularly for Tears in My Heart and Immortal Act. He is a gifted role interpreter and has featured in countless movies including Okon Lagos, Edikan and several others.

May her soul continue to rest in peace!

The Herdsmen Are Not Fulani: They Are From The Moon

The Herdsmen Are Not Fulani: They Are From The Moon

“Labelling the attackers as Fulani is wrong. Fulani people are peaceful and live in harmony with other ethnicities. To call the killer herdsmen Fulani is a misnomer. They are just criminals and not Fulani criminals”- Vice President Atiku Abubakar, 11 March 2018, Thisday Newspaper.

Is it so difficult for us to accept the ugly truth and to call a spade a spade? Must we continue to mock the memories of those that have been slaughtered by shielding those who butchered them? Have we no shame or remorse? Are these childish semantics and infantile denials really necessary?

I have immense respect and affection for Vice President Atiku Abubakar and it stretches back for many years but this assertion shocks and surprises me. It is most unlike him to speak in this way. And I happen to know that he is far bigger and better than this.

There are however some ugly realities that we have to accept and live with in this country and this is one of them. Living in denial cannot solve the problem: it can only aggravate it and make it worse.

President Muhammadu Buhari.

It is bad enough that hardly any Fulani leaders have come out to publicly condemn the activities of their herdsmen but to condemn the horrendous acts and then attempt to shield the racial identity of those behind it by saying that they are not Fulani is even worse.

Permit me to expand on this. Saying that the Fulani terrorists are not Fulani is rather like saying that Adolf Hitler’s Nazis, who gassed 6 million Jews to death in concentration camps during Word War 1, were not German. It is like saying that Abubakar Shekau and his Boko Haram footsoldiers, who have slaughtered thousands of our people over the last few years, are not Muslims and are not Nigerians.

It is like saying that the white Boers who owned and ran apartheid-South Africa, who slaughtered the black African population and who regarded them as nothing more than animals that were only fit for breeding and slave labour, were not caucasians and did not originally come from Holland in western Europe.

Such assertions fly in the face of logic, have no basis in veracity, are manifestly irrational and are deeply insulting. Not only are they deeply flawed but, worst of all, they are designed to conceal the truth and obstruct any future attempt to bring the perpertrators to justice.

Sultan of Sokoto Sa’adu Abubakar

And if Atiku Abubakar or anyone else insists on saying that the killer herdsmen are not Fulani then perhaps they could tell us exactly what they are, who they are and where they come from?

Are they from Mars? Are they from Pluto? Are they from the moon? Or are they from the dark and sinister Vulture Mountain and the infamous “land of the bitter waters” in Futa Jalon, Guniea?

Last year Governor Nasir El Rufai told the world that they are non-Nigerian Fulanis and that they were from Niger, Mali, Chad and other such places.

Atiku has now gone a step further by saying that they are not Fulani at all, whether local or foreign! This consistent and constant denial from Fulani leaders has to stop. They must accept the fact that some of their people are naturally murderous and they must do something about it.

We must not shy away from challenging anyone who attempts to becloud this issue or mislead the Nigerian people.

Emir of Kano Sanusi Lamido Sanusi

It does not matter if we happen to be in the same political party or in different ones. If anyone, no matter how highly placed or respected, crosses the line or indulges in any shape or form of mendacity and deception in this matter, we must and will call that person out.

That is what leadership is all about. And this is all the more important because the situation appears to be getting worse and, if we are not careful, it may escalate into a full scale religious and tribal war that would cause Nigeria to cease to exist.

Consider the words of Mr. Magnus Oraka who is from Jos and whose community was attacked just a few days ago.

He posted a moving and emotional video from his hometown on Facebook yesterday in which he spoke with courage and passion. He said,

“This Fulani attack and killing is war against Nigeria and war against Christians. It is not APC vs PDP, it is Muslim vs Christian. We don’t have weapons to defend ourselves, all we have are sticks. God Punish Buhari, God punish those of you that voted for Buhari, God punish those that are still supporting Buhari. Look at my face! I am in Jos: come and meet me!”

Rev. Samson Ayokunle, President, Christian Association of Nigeria.

To butress his point about the religious dimension of the conflict, according to the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) many Churches have been burnt down by Fulani herdsmen all over the country in the last three years. 60 of them were burnt down in Benue state in the last few weeks whilst over 1000 have been burnt down in Southern Kaduna alone in the last three years!

If this were simply a conflict over land rights and a struggle between tribes and ethnic nationalities why on earth are Churches being targetted by the Fulani as well?

Whichever way you look at it, clearly the victims and members of the indigenous communities that are under siege are getting fed up. Their backs are up against the wall and they are eager to defend themselves and hit back.

And given what they have been subjected to over the years and particulatly since Buhari came to power three years ago, who can blame them?

Most importantly they are under no illusion and have no doubt about who the aggressors, attackers and perpetrators are and where they come from.

Adolf Hitler, Chancellor of Nazi Germany.

The truth is that not only are these barbarians and genocidal maniacs that take delight in indulging in mass murders Fulani but they are also NIGERIAN Fulanis.

They are inspired, led, guided, funded, supported and protected by Miyetti Allah Kautal Hore and the Miyetti Allah Cattle Herders Association which are both organisations that are made up of Fulanis and that are headed by the Fulani Sultan of Sokoto and the Fulani Emir of Kano.

The Chairman of Miyetti Allah Kautal Hore, one Abdullahi Bello Bodejo, is Fulani as well just as are all the leaders of the Miyetti Allah Cattle Breeders Association like one Garus Gololo. Finally their Life Patron is another Fulani by the name of President Muhammadu Buhari.

At one time or the other every single one of these individuals together with many other Fulani leaders such as the spokesman of the Arewa Consultative Forum, the notorious and rabidly pro-northern Fulani supremacist, Professor Ango Abdullahi, have tried to defend, justify and rationalise the outrageous and barbaric behaviour of their members and Fulani kinsmen.

John Vorster, President of Apartheid South Africa

They have said that the killings were inescapable, unpreventable and justified and that the Fulani herdsmen had every right to attack and slaughter innocent and defenceless people, including women and children, simply because those people were obstructing the free movement of Fulani cattle from one part of the country to another.

They also accused them of preventing the Fulani cows from eating their crops and of building houses on some fictitious and non-existent cattle routes which they claim that our erstwhile British colonial masters had allegedly granted them as far back as 1904!

Miyetti Allah itself went further by alluding to the fact that they were pleased with Buhari’s luke-warm and indifferent attitude to the whole matter and indeed the way that he has run the country over the last three years and that if he was not re-elected as President in 2019 they would “burn Nigeria to the ground”.

Knowing all this, for someone to now say that the killers are not Fulani is clearly an attempt to mislead the public and to befuddle the issues.

Abubakar Shekau, leader of Boko Haram.

The Fulani leaders MUST accept that they own this problem and they must take full responsibility for the brutality, savagery and unacceptable behaviour of their people.

We must stop the deceit. There is no room for political correctness here or attempting to sweep the truth under the carpet. I say this because dozens of innocent people are being killed every day.

Furthermore it is disingenious and unfair to expect us not to call the terrorists who and what they really are: Fulani terrorists. We call them that because they are committing crimes against humanity and because they are members of the Fulani race.

If any Fulani leader is uncomfortable with that and do not want us to call them what they are then they are best advised to counsel and control their Fulani brothers and tell them to stop behaving like animals and killing our people.

Alhaji Abdullahi Bello Bodejo, National Chairman, Miyetti Allah

Only a Fulani man will say that it is wrong or that it is a misnomer to call a killer Fulani herdsman and a Fulani terrorist what he is.

Such a man that is not ready to call a spade a spade cannot be taken seriously.

Let us make no mistake about it: todays struggle is not just about party politics or getting Buhari out of power in 2019.

The struggle is far bigger than that and it is essentially about securing our liberation. We are fighting to be free and to win our liberation from the hegemony, tyranny, cruelty and barbarity of the Fulani who have slaughtered our people like flies over the last three years and who insist on ruling our nation in perpetuity and turning us all into little more than paupers, beggars and slaves.

If that makes some uncomfortable it is simply too bad and it changes nothing. The truth is that it is time for us to call a spade a spade and to stop pampering the enemy or massaging his ego.

Alhaji Garus Gololo, Chairman, Benue State, Miyetti Allah

If the Fulani want to be treated with decorum, respect and affection and if any Fulani man ever wishes to have a hope in hell of being elected President of our country ever again, the genocide and ethnic cleansing that they unleash on our people on a daily basis must stop. Anything short of that is unacceptable.

Permit me to share the words of Mr. Samson Tannon Tongman who said the following:

“The agenda is bigger than Atiku. It is jihad, land grab and Islamization. All northerners must fall in line, including Atiku”.

This is an insighful and deeply profound observation. It also provides a veritable explanation for the doublespeak that virtually every single northern Muslim leader, including a liberal and otherwise benign and reasonable one like Atiku, indulges in when it comes to the nefarious and unspeakable atrocities of the Fulani herdsmen and terrorists.

It appears that Mr. Opeyemi Oluyade was right when he said,

“this is the time for liberation politics, not party politics: liberation from the Fulani”.

Professor Ango Abdullahi, spokesman of Arewa Consultative Forum

Permit me to conclude this contribution with the words of embattled Governor Samuel Ortom of Benue state whose people have been subjected to nothing less than genocide and have suffered immeasurably at the hands of the Fulani terrorists in the last three years. A few days ago he hosted President Buhari in his state and said,

“On 30th May, 2017, the Miyetti Allah Kautal Hore in a ‘World Press Conference’ held in Abuja, opposed the Ranching Law. They called on Fulani herders in all of West Africa to come into Benue to help them reclaim their land. In the same vein, Miyetti Allah Cattle Herders Association in their Press Conference declared that more blood will flow in Benue if the Ranching Law is not rescinded. Your Excellency, as a President that supports the Rule of Law, you will most certainly be offended by these hate speeches that may have crossed the red line. Your Excellency, how can a group claim responsibility for the killings that happened and are going about scot free? How can a group make public these inciting and criminal declarations in an organized society and are not arrested by the Police? Your Excellency, kindly order the immediate arrest and prosecution of the leadership of Miyetti Allah Kautal Hore and Miyetti Cattle Breeders Association for carrying out their threats to attack Benue on account of the Open Grazing Prohibition and Ranches Establishment Law, 2017”.

This is wise and courageous counsel from Ortom and it is long overdue. I agree with him that the leaders of Miyetti Allah should be arrested but I would go a step further by suggesting that the organisation should also be proscribed and declared as a terrorist organisation.

From the foregoing it appears that not everyone has been fooled or persuaded by the misleading assertion and perfidious narrative that those that are carrying out the killings are not Fulani.

Governor Nasir El Rufai of Kaduna state

Governor Ortom knows that they are Fulani just as does every other discerning and sensible Nigerian.

Furthermore by stating their intention to spill even more blood and kill every soul in Benue state and elsewhere simply because of the passing of the Anti-Grazing Bill, Miyetti Allah have not only confessed to their heinous crimes against humanity but they have also relished them, boasted about them and have made it abundantly clear that they intend to kill many more innocent people, including women and children.

What more evidence do we need to prove that these terrorists and mass murderers are indeed Fulani and that they have no intention of stopping the carnage until the people of southern and Middle Belt Nigeria are either completely wiped out and ethnically cleansed off the face of the earth or are ready to submit to them, give them all their land, give them all their farms and bow to their cows?

Those that are eager to mislead the world, becloud the issues, brush the filth under the carpet and cover the tracks of these bloodthirsty beasts should answer that question.

Governor Samuel Ortom of Benue state

Permit me to conclude this contribution with the following.

Every day since the beginning of this year Fulani terrorists have killed people in one part of Nigeria or the other and the number of those murdered over the last three years has entered into the thousands.

On Thursday 15th March 2018, 35 innocent people, including women and children, were slaughtered in Kogi state as well.

The state has not passed an Anti-Grazing Law, its people have not blocked any cow-grazing routes and it’s Governor, a young Igbira businessman by the name of Yahaya Bello, is a bumbling slave of the Fulani and a self-deprecating acolyte of Buhari who donated 15,000 hectares of state land to the herdsmen for the establishment of the infamous cattle ranches.

For those who say that the reason that the Fulani terrorists butcher innocent people is because of the Anti-Grazing Law, blocked grazing routes, hostility to them from the local indegenous population, hatred for Buhari or the refusal to establish cattle ranches, how do you explain this?

Governor Yahaya Bello of Kogi state

The truth is that there is no reason for their sociopathic and genocidal behaviour other than the fact that they are murderous by nature and they wish to wipe out entire indigenous populations all over Nigeria in order to take their land, steal their mineral resources, rape their women, conquer their souls, enslave their people and break their spirit.

It is their legendry brutality that qualified them to be the slave raiders for the Europeans and the Arabs during the days of the slave trade.

No-one, not even the cowards and quislings amongst us like Yahaya Bello that sell their souls and trade their birthright to them, that role out the red carpet to receive them and that bow and tremble before them are safe or exempt from their sociopathic barbarity and their psyhcopathic savagery.

That is a bitter lesson that many in our country still have to learn.

You cannot appease a ravenous and insatiable snake and you cannot befriend a wild and hungry beast.

Slay Corner: The Ankara Styles breaking the internet at the moment

Slay Corner: The Ankara Styles breaking the internet at the moment

When you say African fashion, then you sayankara because there is no such thing as African fashion without ankara. Whether you’re off to a wedding, church, PTA meeting at your kid’s school, a business meeting, an exhibition, a date with your favourite person or anywhere for that matter, a well sewn ankara is the magic you need to appear lit. In furtherance to our goal of serving you the most spicy hot ankara styles to ever grace the internet, here are our five latest.

Latest office gown styles for ladies in 2018

Latest office gown styles for ladies in 2018

Do you think that it is impossible to look stylish and beautiful for work? Would you like to know the latest office gown styles for ladies in 2018? We have gathered for you the most beautiful dresses for work, choose the best designs and shine every work day

First of all, business or office style is classic and strict. For women’s stylish look at work, fashion designers update their collections of corporate wears as well as English gown styles every year. What styles of gowns are trending this year, let's find it out!

Colors and decor of corporate gowns for office

For properly selected dresses, you need to consider colour and accessories, it's worth selecting blue dresses. In business, blue colour is considered as a standard. A black dress is also a “must have” in Nigerian ladies' wardrobe. The black colour emphasizes femininity and hides all the figure’s shortcomings. Violet tone is in demand too.

We must mention gray dresses as they aren’t on trend this year. At the peak of fashion are the outfits of a saturated green colour. They also suit almost all girls.

For business style, a white outfit is not welcomed, the alternative to white color is beige.

As for the patterns designers are planning to make corporate dresses with thin strips and geometric ornaments. Rhinestones can be used on the shoulder or neckline of the dress.

Trendy office dresses in 2018

The loose dress cut is a trapeze. It recently returned on trend again. The trapeze dresses look baggy and feminine at the same time. Their features for 2018:

Short sleeves, V-shaped neckline, blue and green colors, cotton fabrics are good for hot weather.Long sleeves, round or sharp collar, and monochrome colours are perfect for a cool day.

You can wear loose and flared dresses with classic shoes: ballet shoes, shoes with various heels, boots, and half-boots. This dress suits practically for all girls.

Trendy dress-jacket 2018

Dress-jacket is quite unusual and strict image. It’s a fashion hit in 2018. The dress looks line elongated jacket.

The length and style of dress-jacket:

It’s a mini dress. Short dresses are suitable for business meetings and everyday work.The most common length is to the knees.It has buttons.The sleeves have various lengths. The dress can be sleeveless too.The collar looks like a jacket’s collar. It has a pointed form.

The neckline is deep and has many variants. It’s a wrap over dress. Not all the models have pockets. The gown can be either straight or flared. You can wear it with scarves instead of a tie or with a tie tied on a bare neck. It goes with shoes, boots, court shoes and sandals or even sneakers.

Trendy dresses-cases 2018

Dress-cases are in fashion for ages. In 2018, they are updated with color and decor. Buy a new model of dress-case, even if you have one in your wardrobe. You can wear it not only for everyday work or business meeting but also for a festive corporate event.

Features of dresses-cases in 2018:

For a business image, it’s better to choose dark and two-colored dresses. If you are a boss, you are allowed to choose a red dress. And in other cases, you can take purple and black gowns.The sleeves are short or sleeveless.Peplum dresses and draped ruches in the front part of item look perfect.The neckline can be V-shaped or round. The back cutout is possible too.The length is mini or midi.Combine the dress-case with shoes on a flat sole, shoes with heels, boots, and sandals.

Office fashion 2018: retro style

Speaking of the dresses in retro style, we imply the outfits of the 70s. One-colored brown, black, and blue dresses go with the business style.

The main features are:

narrow strips of white or other pastel colors; it should be contrastive to a dress;a bow or knot at the side of the neckline;marine themes (blue and white), as well brown and black gowns;skirt-sun.

Such dress goes with high-heels shoes, sandals, and court shoes. Handbags should be small and on a rope over the shoulder.

Trendy gowns of free tailoring 2018

For girls who like free tailoring, designers offer over-size dresses and baggy clothes. Such gowns are airy and free. They can be worn with almost any bag and shoes. For office style, it’s necessary to choose one-colored dresses from dense fabrics. Long options must have pockets.

An excellent option is a checked dress with knee-length or to the floor. You can wear loose dresses with shoes on flat soles, shoes, and sandals. They are perfect for ladies with a creative nature.

Trendy dresses-shirts 2018

Such gowns are in great demand this season. Their features are:

knee-length of the dress;black, blue and white tones;presence of buttons, collars, ruches;long sleeves or sleeveless.

Sleeveless gowns in 2018

Designers make sleeveless almost all kinds of models, except for oversize items. The length can be diverse. Ivory, black and black with white is trendy colors for such dresses. They look great with a jacket, bolero or turtleneck. Take shoes with stilettos for such gown.

Dresses with a skirt-sun 2018

Skirt-sun gowns fit women of any age. They include retro and classic designs.

When choosing a dress for the office, it's worth emphasizing the waist with a belt. Belts and straps should be narrow and without rhinestones. Sleeves can be of different lengths. The length is midi or long.

Such dresses go with high heeled shoes and sandals or items with a wedge and platform.

Prints and patterns in 2018

In business style, prints and ornaments can be geometrical, floral or abstract. Striped and checkered fabrics are acceptable too. For girls of low height, you can find an outfit with vertical stripes. At the same time, the pattern should not be extremely bright.

Trendy dresses-bustier 2018

The parade completion of business gowns is a dress-bustier. All designs are with bare shoulders. Actual colors are black, purple, and green. The top can be draped with a textile or lace. The waist is decorated with a peplum or belt. Combine such dress with bolero and jackets.

Wear dresses-bustier with shoes on a thick or thin heel. Complete the image with a handbag and small earrings.

Office gown styles range of designs in 2018 helps you to create unique and attractive images for work. Keep up with fashion trends!