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Friday 23 March 2018

“We all cry” – Olayode Juliana “Toyobaby” says as she weeps, Fans React - INFORMATION NIGERIA

“We all cry” – Olayode Juliana “Toyobaby” says as she weeps, Fans React - INFORMATION NIGERIA

Actress c*m motivational speaker Juliana Olayode is well loved by many Nigerians especially those who watch popular series Jenifa’s diary.

So it came as s shock when she posted the photo below while writing:

We all cry…but what matters is what we do after we have wiped the tears…🙁☹️🤧

This has led to mixed reactions from fans. Some sympathized with her, while others made funny remarks with one person even promising to buy her biscuits if she stopped crying (Lol).

See reactions below:

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